
Really Want To Work With Endangered Animals And Save The World =) ? Peeerrleeese Answer!?

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Helllloooo =)

My names Aimee, I'm 12 and i really really want to work with endangered animals like:



Polar Bears



I want to help save the earth =)

When I'm Older I want to move to a country and look after abandend cubs and stuff.

Please Tell Me:

What Qualifications I Need

How Much Does It Pay (approx)

What Countries I Could Work In

How I can help where iam now

How I can do more recylcing


I live in the uk

Plllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeease Answer




  1. Good for you! I think that is a very noble career path you have chosen for yourself.

    Well, there are many sorts of jobs out there for you, but they may be hard to come by. A university degree in biology will help, and even continuing with a postgraduate degree may be beneficial. As for pay, I cannot say for sure, but you most likely will not make a lot. However, I imagine it will be a very rewarding career for you. You may not make lots of money, but you will be happy going to work everyday. I think many countries will have opportunities for you. Of course it will depend on the animals you want to work with and where they live. It is probably a competitive field, so the more volunteer experience and education  you have, the better chances you will have to find a job. See if you are able to volunteer at a local pet humane society or zoo. You may have to be a certain age at some places, but sometimes if you have your parents' permission it's okay (you should definitely have their permission anyway!). You may also want to see if there's a wildlife rehabilitation center near you. They may also need volunteers. As for recycling, well, I'm not sure what you recycle now, but one thing you can do to help with wildlife conservation may be to help organize a can recycling collection where all the money you get from the cans goes towards adopting an animal at the zoo or the humane society.

    I added some links below for some more information.

    Good luck!

  2. Wow! I know how you feel wheter or not I'm 10... =P

    Qualification: Unsure. I think it's something like love for animals, knows practicly everything in Zoology and something else that I can't remember... =P

    Pay: Unsure again, but I think it pays a lot. =P

    Countries: Practicly everywhere! I know there are a lot of endangered species in the UK!

    Helping Now: Recycling, not using to much energy or electronics, using enviorment friendly light bulbs, if the red standby light is still on it's still using power so unplug it or turn it off, and voulnteering at animal shelter.

    Recycling: Basiclly, recycle everything you can!

    I hope this helped!!

    Good Luck!!!

    P.S. One day we just might work together! =P

  3. You could volunteer at an animal shelter or zoo, and then when you are older you could work there.  You could also move to africa or china, because they are area's with some important endangered animals.  I would definitely study biology, because that would be a major part, but you should also learn how to take care of animals, and work with them, almost like a physical therapist for animals.  

    For recyling, reccle everything at school and at home, and you could also take stuff directly to a recycling plant and get money.  You could also find out if your town hos a curbside program with recycling, or you could petition to get one.

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