
Really and truly what will the american economy do when gas reaches 5.00$ a gallon?

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it is already 4.89$ a gallon in california what happens when the average is 5.00$ or above?




  1. They will just moan more, like they always do. Cutting back does not help oil prices on a whole. It can help you individually. Our economy is only a small part of today's oil market.

    The only way to reduce oil prices is to tap private national lands or waters for drilling as Bush recommends. He is correct. However, everyone whines about the environmental impact. Hence, nothing will be done to reduce oil prices. Rising oil prices are just a fact of life. It is the foundation of inflation. Everything must be transported.

  2. i have stopped buying gas. i now have a job w/i walking distance and i mow my lawn with one of those old style reel mowers.

    if you will pay it they will charge it.........I'm done paying it!

  3. Ever hear of the Strategic Oil Reserves? The gov. is sitting on billions of barrels of oil, just in case there is another war, believe it or not. . . . .

    The Oil Parasites are only blackmailing us thru the Feds to open up more public lands to drilling, and when Uncle Sugar folds, the price of gas MIGHT go down when the Bloodsuckers don't have to buy so much from the ragheads!

  4. We all need to cut back as much as possible on the use of gas and other overcharged items such as utilities.  When the demand is down substantially the price will decline somewhat.  Not until.

    And these emails suggesting that American's all boycott a certain oil company on a certain day won't help at all.  We need to cut back.

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