
Really bad Stomach pains

by  |  earlier

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ive had these major tummy cramps for along time now (like 2 years) and its becoming really painfull.

the pain recently went away for about 2 months and it was really good but now its come bak really really bad.

ive been to the doctor and then havnt done anything. (they cant even come up with any ideas y its hurting)

and i recently had an ultrasound and they said nothing is wrong.

what do u think is wrong with my tummy ?

thanks =]




  1. sounds pretty serious but generally you can trust a doctor so maybe its something you are doing.

    Eating too much sugary unhealthy foods

    Not pooping enough

    Getting bad, heavy periods

    Not releasing gas when you need to.

    Sorry about mentioning the personal issues! But make sure if you ever need to f**t that you let it rip!


  2. if its been happening for a year now, it must be pretty serious...different hospitals specializes in different things, keep surfing the net until you find the right hospital or doctor who can help the mean time take a bath and rub some Alvera oil on your stomach and try to realax...this wont make it go away for good but it will die it down GET WELL SOON  8)

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