
Really bad break out on face, could this be pregnancy symptom?

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Ok sorry I will try to keep this short-ish.

I've recently miscarried at 6 weeks and been BDing a lot since the bleeding stopped. Anyway, 3.5 weeks after the miscarriage, my period came. It was very heavy on the first day, then second day lighter and then stopped on the third day.

I don't have any other pregnancy symptoms and I know that since I've just had my period, I am almost 100% not pregnant. But about a week ago, my face started breaking out really bad. I had this type of pimple (red and very painful and can't squeeze them, sorry TMI) before my miscarriage so I know this might be pregnancy (hormonal) pimples.

I wondered if anything experienced something similar (period, break out) and then still ended up being pregnant.

Please share your story with me. It is driving me crazy!!!!





  1. Well at least I'm not the only one suffering from the horrible breakout. I, too, miscarried at 6 weeks and my face is just... wrong. Especially cheeks, chin, chest and upper back. I am acne prone anyway so the extra hormones are driving me and my skin crazy. I am sorry for everyone's loss. I didn't realize miscarriages were quite so common. It just never seemed real to me until it happened to me. But praise God, I will heal and so you will you.


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