
Really bad bruise that left a big bump on leg.?

by  |  earlier

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I hit my thigh on a steel beam about a 2 months ago, it started off as a really bad bruise and it was very sore and hard to bend my leg, this lasted for about three weeks and started getting better, then for about a month it was fine then yesterday morning it got really sore again then went away, now one day later is back to being sore and is hard to bend. Their is a big bump where it was hit, is this normal? The only thing I can think of is I might of irritated it when I set a 90 pound dumbbell on it at the gym, any information would be great thank you.




  1. My first instinct is that you have a calcified bruise. I don't know the specifics, but sometimes when you get a bad bruise calcium builds up and you get something similar to bone there. If this is the case you'll need to massage it out. Keep massaging it for a few days and it should shrink and eventually disappear.

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