
Really bad excema on hands?!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay. I am thirteen and had excema since I was born, especially on legs arms and around neck. Every since I was five the excema has spread to my hands (palms and fingers). Now I am thirteen the excema is still on my legs slightly and all the rest has gone. APART FROM, my hands! It itches constantly and looks really old! I have tried

1) Diprobase (prescribed by doctor and Does Nothing)

2) e45 (allergic to)

3) Hemp from The Body Shop ( again does nothing)

And many many more but nothing seems to clear it up or at least settle the itch.

Could any of you guys suggest anything and please don't say "See a doctor, because all he does is prescribe Diprobase.




  1. Very easy: vinegar and iodine half and half every day

  2. Eucerin.


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