
Really bad headache?

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I have had a headache for the last 5 days. I have taken ibuprofen and aleve and nothing has helped. Is there something herbal i can take to help?




  1. Inhale essential oil of lavender, and drink some chamomile tea.

    I hope you feel better.

  2. Sometimes caffeine will help.  Did you stop drinking coffee or colas recently?  If so, you are having withdrawal symptoms

    If not, try this.  

    Stop working, choose a quiet (preferable dark place), put a cold wet cloth on your for head, close your eyes, do nothing for 20 minutes, just rest.  

    Headaches are caused by 4 main reasons: Low Oxygen, dryness, being without motion for too long time, fatigue.  So, go to an open space outside (take deep inhales), drink 2-3 glasses of water, do some exercise (or take a walk), and get some rest.  Hope it will work four you  


  3. I don't know about herbal remedies but I have had some pretty bad headaches!  I always use Goody's Headache Powder- it works like a charm and my headache goes away in like 15 minutes!  Try it- you won't be disappointed!

  4. Pl check some of these home-remedies.

  5. Find a medium strength Magnet, place it on your forehead south pole down.......leave it on for 10 mins...........

    Hope it helps

  6. You may want to see a doctor. This could be more than over the counter meds. can handle. You could be having migraines.  Even a pinched nerve could cause your headaches. I was bed ridden for eleven days to fine out I was having migraine headaches.

  7. 5 days, that's a lot you should really go to the doctor.

  8. Eat a meal.  Then take 2 liquid advils, and drink a large glass of coke (any coke as long as it has the caffeine, don't get the decaf one, you need the caffeine to help withthe headache.  After doing this lay down in a calm and dark room.  You can put a warm compress on your head, but not necessary,  Give it 1- 2 hours, your headache should be gone.  If not retake the liquid advil as son as the directions say you can, drink another coke.  If after 2 hours of the second dose, your headache does not go away, please go to the doctor.  Your headache must be caused by something very serious going on,high blood pressure, annorisum, infection, or worse.

  9. Go to the er!!!!

    it could be a brain tumor:(((
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