
Really bad on?

by  |  earlier

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when i was 4 i was referred to an orthopaedic doctor because i had knock knees, or genu valgum.. when i was 6 they offered my mum the chance to give me an operation because my condition was quite serious, my mum declined cos she thought it was too harsh to put me through an operation...

when i was about 10 my knees hurt when i ran etc and i had physiotherapy...

about a month ago the same pain has come back into my right knee, the one with "extra bone"

i went to the doctors as it was troubling me running cycling and rowing and as my GP was away i saw a different doctor she said it would get better and if not to go back.. i am waiting for my GP to come back which is beginning of sept and i think i will go back..

but my knee swells after exercise and i can no longer run on it..

when i row it feels like somethings grinding or catching i spose..

what could be wrong with it?




  1. I have issues with knock knees as well due to the kneecaps being off their track so I can empathize.  I found out in part that the knee issue is due to my having abnormal gait (this has to do with how we are balanced such as when we walk).  I was also later diagnosed with arthritis there.  I was 15 when the problem with my knees started and got diagnosed with osteoarthritis when I was 19 and I am now 37 years old.

    It sounds like you could be dealing with a form of arthritis (an example only).

    I would recommend a consultation with a rheumatologist (a doctor that diagnoses and treats diseases and conditions related to the joints and bones such as different forms of arthritis such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis) as well if you haven't already depending on what your primary care physician says when she comes back.

    If you have other questions for me please feel free to e-mail me off site any time.

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