
Really bad migraine aura plz help!?

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I have the common arc like flashing lights BUT I also had it so bad last time with dark spots too, I've had MRIs but I want to know how bad everyone elses aura is! Mine came with such bad panic I started crying and lasted 40 mins!




  1. mine generally last days, i go blind in one eye a few hours before the migraine comes on and if i dont get pain killers into me before the pain hits i can be laid up in bed with a bucket for days i throw up if i so much as think about food or drink or move at all. the drastic thing to remember with aura mirgranes is that if you are on the contraceptive pill these will make your pain worse and they actually put you at a massive risk of stroke!

  2. Go to ER...................seriously something is wrong!!

    I've had it, just go get someone to take you, do NOT drive.....take a list of your medications also.

    Good luck

  3. I had some auras so bad I needed help walking because I couldn't see ... yellow and black triangles flashing off and on in arcs that I could see much better than I could see anything else.  You are probably fairly young, and these auras are frightening to you, just as they are frightening to anyone who is prone to migraines.  As soon as you see the aura, go to a darkened room where you can lie down, and have a cold rag there to put onto your neck at the back.  Lie down and try to sleep, but if you can't, just close your eyes and 'space out.'  

    Talk to your doctor about putting you on one of the new prescriptions for migraine.  They are very good for many people.  As you get older, your migraines will get worse in both frequency and intensity until you are about 35, then they'll start to be as bad, but won't come as frequently.  When you go into menopause (assuming you are a female, since that is what your avatar is), the migraines will stop over time, and you probably won't have any after you have three years past menopause.  You will still get the auras, though, but not the headaches.  I'm going to be 58 in under two weeks, and I still get the auras when stressed occasionally, but never any pain.  Now my biggest pain is my husband, and he's a nice pain.  Made you laugh!  That is another thing you can do when you have a migraine coming on.  Laughter can short circuit the starting mechanism, so you might not get one, or get a much easier one to handle.  Good luck, and don't cry because there is help out there.  Relax, talk to your doctor, and make sure you have good dark curtains in one room where you can lie down.  You'll be fine.  I once had a migraine at a movie theater, was vomiting on the floor of a rest room with my 3 year old son with me, and asked the fireman/paramedic who came to see what was going on to just chop off my head with a fire axe.  Don't cry ... your blood pressure will go up even more and make the migraine worse.  

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