
Really bad nightmare?

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This is the second time I've taken Unisom sleeping pill because of inability to fall asleep at night. So I took one last night and I had this nightmare. Now i've had this nightmare before (without taking Unisom) But last night it was so bad it really seemed real. I am 15 years old now so I know sleeping pills aren't good but it's the only way I can sleep at night. In my nightmare, I somehow ended up in a small little house in a neighborhood with a man. It was storming outside.. And somehow I kept thinking this man is my teacher? And I was trapped in his house and he was trying to treat me like his child but threatening to kill me, and he treated me like his own child without hurting me but if I cried or did something wrong he'd threaten to kill me. It was storming out so everytime I screamed no one would hear me, and that'd just make him mad. It's not like he was trying to rape me or anything but that may be intended later.. Everytime I have this dream it gets deeper and deeper..




  1. Sounds like it is because of how you feel inside.  Some things you need to deal with from when you were younger. You can't change the past unfortunately, you have to come to terms with things. I think inside you have a lot of anger and this needs to come out. It feels like you have never felt like you can talk to anyone, or if you could no-one would understand or you would feel silly or vulnerable opening up and showing your feelings to someone. I think it is easier for you to show anger than it is to show any signs of softness incase you get hurt. But you musn't take this anger out on yourself. Instead of getting sleeping tablets try and get some counselling or someone you can trust to talk to. sleeping pills will make you go to sleep, but when you wake up, that big black cloud is still there.  Get it sorted now and look forward to a happy and peaceful life x

  2. Okay, don't ignore the dream. This may sound weird, but if you do ever have this dream ever again, don't wake up, stay a sleep ad see what happens next. If you are able to controll yourself while you are sleeping try o ask the man questions ( I only remeber my dream if I am in there trying to change something)

    If you do have this dream again, you have to take it seriously.

    Repost this, with all of the detail, thee might be a message, a warning or what so ever. having the same dream is rare. Put there is a time where ou feel like you had that dream before, but you didn't.

    I can't sleep at night either. i would wake up like every 30 minuet or every hour, i am planning on taking sleeping pills.

    I really hope that doesn't happen to me to the point where I am deeply asleep and can't wakeup.

  3. It is possible the medication could be effecting your dreams; however, the fact of your insomnia along with the nightmares suggests things are not as perfect in your life as you say.

    The nightmare itself seem to suggest some type of conflict with an older man and at times you do have some emotional turmoil over the situation.  You might really feel trapped in your current situation with no way to escape.  It is  likely you feel someone is controlling you to the point of keeping you from meeting your own personal goals.

    There is also a sexual content to the dream and may reflect some type of sexual frustrations you are having at this time.    Each dream he get deeper and deeper.  

    You might want to take a look at your life and there are likely some changes you need to make.

    Let me know if this helps.

  4. It's the sleeping pills.  I always take sleeping pills and they all make you have weird dreams.  I personally don't think it means anything, just garbled info in your brain that the pills put out there.

  5. Wow i'd maybe talk to your parents or go to the pill's website. I'm sorry to hear that and i hope things get better.
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