
Really bad pain in right eye like someone is pushing on my eyeball???

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I was seeing spots I think out of my left eye about 2 hours ago and it faded and now I have a horrible pain in and around my right eye ball and right below my brow...what the heck is this and if I have to see an eye dr. what do I say, I've never been to one




  1. i have that pain when i have really bad might have migraines...they are very painful...i'd recommend going to the doctor...and a visits cost depends on where you go, the doctor, and where you live

  2. i had that exact same problem! it turned out that i was straining my eye and when i put too much pressure on my eyes that 'pushing' feeling would happen. I just went to the optometrist and explained to him what was happening ( i can see perfectly its just the pain), and he prescribed a really weak prescription of lenses for me to wear whenever i feel the pain coming on.  it helps immensely! you can get eye drops instead but i dont like the idea of putting medication in my eyes frequently.

    the instant my eye starts to get the throbbing feeling, i put my glasses on and within an hour it goes away completely.  

  3. Something must be pulling behind the eye.You need to go to the doctor and see what he says. That sounds really sccary!!! I wouldn't wait a day longer to go see him, you never know.

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