
Really bad side cramp?

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yesterday at my track meet i ran the 3200 and i got a really bad side cramp on the second lap and as i ran it got worse and worse and it never went away and my side still hurts and today at pratice (we swam) it hurt really bad and know about five hours later it still hurts my mom said that i might have pulled a muscle in my side is she right ?




  1. Cramps can be severe but I wouldnt think that they would last this long. Its very possible that you had a pull or a muscle spasm. It shouldnt last longer than a few days though.

  2. I ran a 5K last saturday and got the worst side cramp I've ever gotten in the last 1/2 mile... I ran through it but suffered the rest of the day and into the next. I think it might have been the muscle or muscles that contract your diaphram. Anyway, it went away after 2 days for me. Didn't turn out to be anything serious. Hope you feel better soon...after you heal, I would work on core strengthening to improve your runs and prevent injury. In other words, do lots of situps, crunches, etc....
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