
Really broody at only 17 && trying to conceive?

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This sounds mad but i am really broody for a baby. i had unprotected s*x with my boyfriend [whos now my EX] i have irregular periods an i started spotting blood a week after s*x and still now for 5 weeks ive bee spotting very lightly. even though im bleeding ive been told that i should do a pregancy test which i am going to do next week so it will be 7 weeks after s*x. deep down for 3 years ive been SO broody for a baby and i really hope i am pregnant i doubt i am because i always have bad luck. what are chances of pregnancy and irregular periods. i started my periods at 14 and now 3 years down the line there still irregular. ive been doctors etc have 3 lots of blood tests and apperntly my hormones are normal healthy and fine and they talked about me going on the pill to help regulate my periods. seeing as i have irreuglar periods and i had a 6 month gap is their a less chance of me getting pregnant because nobody understands how much i acually really want a baby. i dont know why though i think cause my own family life hasnt alwaysbeen great and i want a baby in my life to help fill an empty gap if that makes sence. anyway sorry for the long detail. overall what are the chances of pregnancy when i have irregular periods




  1. Hello, i kinda know how you feel as im just 19 and also trying to concieve, me and my boyfriend have been together for 2 years and this is a joint decision, we both work and can afford to rent so we are all set up, i just think maybe if your not pregnant then you maybe should wait a bit, last year (when i was 18) was the best year for me, getting drunk, clubbing all over the county and it would be a shame for you to miss out on all that,surely you not in that much of a rush, i was brought up by just my mum n although i never went without anything i no my mum had to go without things to support me, sorry i sound like a boring old women lol but if your alone it may be really tough for you, good luck with whatever happens tho, i can tell your quite mature so i think you will be fine. keep us posted.x

  2. Oh great Taxes just went up again, Ill just keep funding you keep breeding.

    Age doesnt matter if your 17 and can afford a baby then thats great.

  3. If you can afford it without help from the state then go for if not get a job and wait until you can.  

  4. i dont know, but are you sure you're ready to have a baby at 17...?



    somewhere to live?

    babies aren't just something you should just get becuase you wanted one, you need to think it trough.

    its a BIG decision...

  5. Ok, asking a question like that, you had to kind of expect to get hammered on here. everything they've said is true; if you don't have a job, (a good one that can pay rent, utilities, groceries, transportation, diapers, Dr. visits, insurance, etc,) then it's not fair to anyone that you get pregnant and keep the baby yet. Not to yourself, because believe me, though you love them, if there's something broken in you, a baby's not going to be able to fix it; it's not fair to the tax payers, because we end up supporting both of you (bc WE pay for welfare) and it's certainly not fair to put that kind of pressure on an innocent baby, who is going to need someone to love and care for it in a way that it doesn't sound like you're prepared at this point in your life to do. Adoption would be a wonderful option if you already are pregnant. There are ppl out there who are married, older, settled financially, etc, who would love to be able to raise a baby bc they cannot get pregnant. Having been 17 with my first child,(not bc I planned it) I'm telling you from experience, it is not easy. I had to work 2 jobs just to pay the bills and put food on the table, (refused to be a welfare bum) which meant that I got to spend very little time with my baby. And when you do have a child, don't you want it to grow up and be proud of you, not embarrassed of how it was raised?  I really hope for the sake of everyone, you understand a baby is only going to add more work to your life, not make it easier, and fill a hole. I do have compassion for you though, and if you wanna talk, respond back to this, and I'll give you my email. maybe I can help.

    *disclaimer* I have nothing against ppl who are on welfare legitimately; those who are TEMPORARILY unemployed, injured, whatever; I do however, despise ppl who are just lazy and use excuses to sit on their butts for years draining money out of the hard working tax payers. It really sucks that they get free ER visits, I, WITH insurance, have $150 copay. They get a bigger food budget than I do, etc. I can't stand ppl that manipulate the system and get away with it for yrs, even lifetimes! Makes me crazy!

  6. Oh great! Another single parent family to scrounge off of us tax payers!

    Get yourself a job and a partner wait a few years until you can afford to bring a child into the world and support it yourself.

  7. I think that being a young mum is great i am 24 and my gorgeous son is 2 and a half. However i travelled and worked abroad for 18 months from when i was 18 before coming back down to earth and meeting my husband and having a family. There is nothing wrong with being broody now but at 17 you have you whole future ahead of you and you can have the best of both. Why not wait until your 19/20/ And with a partenr by yourside who you can go through every feeling and kick with is wonderful. Hope this helps. good luck with whatever you decide  

  8. idiot

  9. You are too young to have a baby - you are still a child yourself, and it is not fair to expect a living breathing baby, who will rely on you for everything to 'help fill an empty gap'

    Sorry, this wont be the answer you want, but you need to stop and take a look at your life.  Do you really want to be tied down with a child at 17?  Don't you have any other aspirations or ambitions for your life?  Perhaps you could go to college or uni, or you could travel the world and see some amazing places??

  10. Having a baby to 'fill the empty gap' in your life is a very very bad idea. Do you realise just how SELFISH you are? How would you feel if your mum told you she only had you because you were something to love?

    I really hope you are not pregnant.  

    Get a dog instead.  

  11. You are way too young, my advice is to get a job in a creche for a month and see if you are still broody.

  12. Well my friend had a baby at 17 planned.. and she is one of the best mothers ive seen, she is not on benefits, she works part-time and her boyfriends works full-time she has her own home and the child is very very happy!

    It just shows that they are not all bad.

    I think you should take a test asap.

  13. Well i hate to break the bad news to you but being a mum at 17 IS NOT EASY!

    for a start you are ALONE how dare you bring an Innocent life into this world, when you have no father lined up! how CRUEL of you!

    i fell pregnant at 17 (unplanned) its not easy, the difference is my partner and i are now 21 and we have been together for 7 years now, but even so having a baby when your young stops you from having a life,

    no nights out!

    no lazy mornings

    no sexlife

    no rest

    no play

    the list is endless!

    most girls of my age i know are,

    dating men

    going on holiday

    going clubbing

    buying fancy cars

    looking gorgous (not frumpy)

    How are you going to feed the child??? you may work part time but that won't cover it! also you wont get a house for years (we've waited 3 years so far)

    we work 90+ hours a week and still can't afford alot.

    this is an average day for me

    6am-get up, get showered,get dressed

    7am-make breakfast

    7:30am-take my daughter to childminder


    6:30pm-pick daughter up

    7pm-make dinner

    8pm-bath my daughter


    This is EVERY DAY!!!!


    you are TOO young, you are NOT PREPARED, you don't understand exactly how boring, and depressing life can get.

    yes i love my daughter with all my heart,she is my world, but i wish i could have more fun,i wish i had more time to myself.

  14. I'm not going to make any rude comments about your age ... but you need to know that if it's been 7 weeks since s*x, you should DEFINITELY test tomorrow. It normally takes 2 weeks after s*x to show up on a pregnancy test, so if you do an HPT first thing tomorrow morning with concentrated pee, you'll get a pretty reliable answer. Try the Dollar Tree brand (US) or Boots own brand (UK).

  15. You should have a baby its not fair on the kid.

    You don't have the money, experience or knowledge to raise a child - you're a child yourself still.

    Don't be silly! go and live you're life as well as you can - travel, get you're dream career house and car! Then have a baby and pass on the stories so it follows in you're footsteps leading a good happy life unlike the one you'd have 17 couped up at home all weekend trying to find a babysitter with the benefit/parents money because you want to go out.

    Its no life for a 17 year old. Trust me.

  16. you know what if you want a baby then go for it you are right age is just a number millions of women in other countries start having babies at like 13 so being 17 over there could be considered old to start trying to have a family. I was 18 when i had my first and there was never a better mom than me i love my children i provide for them not only food and shelter but unconditional love and mouthinessness that many older moms can't provide. many women have the maternal instinct very early so if that is what you want go for it so i am praying for you that you get what you want

  17. you are stupid. very stupid.  

  18. Not great, but there's always hope.

    My brothers 17 year old girlfriend got pregnant the first time they had unprotected s*x. She's 18 weeks gone now and is having no regrets whatsoever. Her and my brother both think it's the best thing that's ever happened to them.

    I don't intent to change your mind, but there is a lot you need to take into consideration before you go rushing into things. I would advise you to settle down in a long term relationship before you start trying for a baby. My brothers girlfriend isn't working or in any form of education so my brother is working 84 hours a week in order to provide for them.

    Being pregnant also messes with your hormones. She has started to verbally abuse my brother on a daily basis :-(

    I don't understand why people look down on teen parents either. A lot of them are better then the older generation. I mean, come on, how many cases of child abuse do you hear about regarding teen parents ?

    Another thing i would suggest is that you prepare yourself for a lot of criticism and possible interference with Social Services.

    I'm sure you'll be a great mum. Good luck.

  19. Your too young - bringing up a baby by yourself is ssooooooo hard. I hope for your sake your not!

  20. You mention that one of the reasons you may be so broody as your own family life hasn't always been great and that you may want a baby to fill that empty gap.

    A baby is a very hard, life long commitment and so needs all of your attention, all of your money and all of your life. You won't be able to go out with your friends, they will move on and leave you behind as they are still young and will want to go out to clubs and pubs etc. I know you will have probably thought about this, but have you REALLY thought about it? The late nights and early mornings, middle of the night feeds, the cleaning, the changing, the crying, the money, the no weekends off, the loneliness etc.

    You should try and put your energy and focus into something else. A course at college, a new hobby etc. I know a baby seems like it would fun and would show you unconditional love but it will also stop you from seeing your friends and being able to go out whenever you want. Not only because you'll be looking after him/her but you'll be having to save your money to buy food, gas, electric, rent, clothes for him and you, toiletries etc.

    Have a good think about it. If you have a baby you will cope, but it'll be hard.

    EDIT: Im not trying to be unhelpful - I'm trying to tell you from an honest point of view, I'm not going to give it to you with rose tinted glasses. I'm 29 weeks pregnant and 19 so hardly a role model but I can tell you what its like from my point of view!

  21. holy **** dont listen to the ******* freaks

    i was 17 when i had my first daughter i worked and my daughter has everything that she could ever ask for i would never change my daughter for anything it was the best thing i ever did was have my daughter my life seemed worth something were as before i was working going out drinking and doing whatever else were as when i feel pregnant i had 2 force on my baby and just not myself and 4 years after ive another daughter hun my advise is to you if you feel your ready for a baby go ahead but i do advise it isnt easy but its a very awarding job at the end of the night when your baby is in bed you just see how wonderful it is

    good luck hun x x

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