
Really confused, do all adoptees have the potenital of being killers?

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Okay, I posted a question about a news article stating that the killer was adopted and if anyone felt offended that they point that out. Well one answer distrubed me, the person in an email and in the answer was trying to say that all adoptees are killers. We just haven't acted on the urge, yet. I find this offensive. I would never in my life dream or want to do harm to another person. So according to this person we all have that potential. Now, i'm really scared---will i because i'm adopted become a killer?




  1. I'm sure a lot of people have the 'potential' to do bad things -- even murder.  But, most people don't.  Even people that have some pretty messed up issues don't end up killing someone.  They just have stuff they have to work out.

  2. Everyone, regardless of their 'parental status', is capable of being a killer.

    If you felt you were seriously threatened, or your child's life was threatened(if/when u have one)...wouldn't you protect yourself,up to and including, taking that persons life.

  3. All people have the potential to kill.  Maybe adoptees murder people at a higher rate, but there are emotional issues there that no one else has.  I'd say, factoring in the emotional issues, the rate is about the same.  But anyone could murder under the "right" circumstances.

  4. Everyone chooses who they are and what they do.

  5. Of course not! Being adopted has nothing to do with the type of person you are. I have a friend who is adopted and she wouldn't hurt anyone! Just because you are adopted doesn't mean that you will become a murderer. That is ridiculous!

  6. that statement was totally biased. It's like saying we have global warming because of the lack of pirates in the world (pastafariansim rocks :D!!) Every child has a chance of becoming the next serial killer, BUT, the chance is heightened by factors like his birth parents, his adoptive parents, his genetic makeup, his social life/friends/school. etc. And no, you seem like a very very nice person, I'm sure you would never go on a killing spree :)

    (sorry for using his thoughout. I needed to stick w/ 1 pronoun ;)

  7. No...  As an adoptive mother, I was offended by the recent news of a child (well 17 year old) who allegedly plotted to have his parents killed, as well.  Does the news ever say a biological child of so and so did this...  or the child by IVF did that...  It's just not right.  They're basically explaining how their family became a family, instead of describing the child.

    Being a killer or not has nothing to do with how your family became a family.

  8. The person who said that is a jerk. Believe in yourself.

  9. By even posting this question YOU are being offensive.  You are not allowed to be ignorant about adoptees, just because you are adopted.

    NO, there is no greater likelihood you'd be a killer.

    You shouldn't even promote this thought.

    People are always pointing out adoption and it is STUPID...for example: Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman's adopted children....COME ON....the little girl looks black and the little boy looks Hispanic......They are both white (she is whiter than white)...there is no need to bring up the fact that they are adopted...

  10. All people have the capacity to kill. Adoptees aren't more likely than anyone else to become murderers. Don't worry so much. I'd hate to see you become a self-fulfilling prophecy!

  11. That's stupid!  I can only imagine that was posted by some idiot who was referring to children of adoption that have Reactive Attachment Disorder.  I don't mean to generalize because obviously that would be wrong but there are children who are being adopted/abused and or severly neglected who have this condition.  They can grow up to be troubled adults and some sociopaths.  Of course this is rare but a lot of people worry about the international adoptions that are occuring and domestic that have not occurred soon enough.  this is a poor explination and I apologize but it's too stupid to ignore yet too complicated to explain well.  Please forgive.

  12. no. it depends on if the person has made peace with thier self and the rest of the world. only people with hatred that don't respect themselves and hasn't made peace with themselves are capable of murder. this was a naive immature remark and they will have to answer for it soon. i was adopted and i am a great person. i could never murder. i would do anything to stop murder even if it meant giving my life which i have risked plenty of times. so disregard their childish remarks. they win when your soul dies. good luck.

  13. being adopted doesnt make you any more susceptible to being a killer. if this was true, why would there be killers that aren't adopted? Some kids who where adopted may not have ever felt the love that a biological parent can provide, but usually adoptive parents would be much more loving than a parent who chose to give their child up. I know sometimes it's not a choice, but the kid could still feel abandoned. That could cause them to be violent or instill a desire to hurt other people in them, but a person can get that even if they aren't adopted.  Really it would just depend on how they were raised, and with what morals, and not by whom it was that raised them. So no, the fact that you are adopted absolutely does not make you a potential killer.

  14. It was mentioned because the media is stupid.  They mentioned it because it was something that they could distinguish a person.  It is offensive and I would not want my grandchildren (who happen to be adopted, and are happy children/teens) to see this.

    It is a labeling thing and unfortunate.

    No you won't end up a killer any more than the next person.

    Chalk it up to stupid media.

  15. I am adopted and have 2 adopted kids- and I can tell you not one of us has ever thought of killing anyone- and I know quite of few other adoptees that would not think of it either.  Honey, do not think that you will become a killer- everyone , no matter if adopted or not, can become a killer - but adoptees are not more apt too.

  16. Sweetie, every one person has the potential to hurt someone or something.

    Usually the people who act on this potential have led a life with problematic or traumatic circumstances in which curbed their behavior into aggression and a miscreant way of acting.

    Don't be afraid of yourself, it'll drive you insane.

    My best friend was adopted, she's never killed anyone.

    My sister was adopted, never raised a hand to anything.

  17. There are many factors that lead people to be killers - and I assume you are referring to a serial or thrill killer - not just one factor that can indisputably lead to them being a killer.  Depending on his genetics, upbringing and psychology, his adoption could have been a factor for him.

  18. Interesting thought... Does me wanting to stab this steak knife into the monitor when you post a question count as another adoptee murderer?

    Adoptees are more likely to develop numerous mental illnesses and being a psychotic killer is only one of them. Others include RAD, non specific attachment disorders, oppositional defiance disorder and many more. Becoming a killer is something people "do" when these other issues are not dealt with properly.

  19. all humans have the potential to kill.

    i read this study.  and no where did it say at what age the children were adopted.  one of them obviously was adopted through foster care, since the aparents in turn sued the children's welfare office for their pain and suffering.  so take that into account.  why was the child in the foster care system?  what occured before placement?  how many of the 16% of all seriel killers that are adopted were adopted at an older age and from foster care.  why didn't the study look into what occured previously for that child to be in the care of the state?

    does this not go against everyone that tells pap's that they should adopt from foster care and not a newborn.  when this study shows that those kids are more likely to commit crimes?  i'd hope not.  there are many great kids who need nothing more than a stable home environement and rules.  and ones that do need therapy and hopefully someone out there will be able to provide that.

    it states that 16% of seriel killers were adopted.  so where does the other 84% percent come from?  children raised by biological relatives and parents i assume.  not sure how that makes an adopted child 5 times more likely to commit murder as the article states.  

    don't you realize that 47.8% of all statistics are made up?

    also the killers in the article were more than likely adopted during a time where an open adoption was unheard of and secrets and identities were kept a nasty family secret.  the adoptees were raised that it was something to be ashamed of and not to speak of it.  they were told untrue things about their biological parents.  take all of that into account.  

    there are many seriel killers who were raised in strict religious homes.  under harsh rules and disipline.  should we say that all religious people are more likely to become seriel killers?  should we not disipline our children?  where do you stop with the statistics?

    also if you read the article fully he goes onto say that opening adoption records and having an open adoption helps with feelings of abandonment and identity issues.  

    take from the study what it is.  a simple study, conducted by one person, who just happens to see and speak with mentally disturbed persons.  some of them just happen to be adopted.  the study does not go into details of their life before placement, at what age and the details of their life post placement.  it only makes a generalized statement.

    if you're going to quote an article, and use it to prove a point.  then please use the article as a whole, don't pick and choose

    certain points.  especially from a study that was a double biased one to begin with.

  20. thats a lie anyone can be a killer if they want to being adopted has nothing to do with it

  21. ok, are you kidding or just trying to sound silly?  obviously, all adopted persons aren't destined to become killers...that is just...I am sorry, but, stupid.

  22. Anyone can be a killer or kill regardless if they are adopted or not.  The man that shot up City Hall in Kirkwood Missouri was not adopted. The kid that shot up Virginia Tech last year was not adopted. A person can choose  to kill or they can choose not to kill. I would not lose sleep over this, you have no more chance to become a killer then John Doe who is not adopted.

  23. Ask yourself these questions - have you ever looked at someone and really, really wanted to shoot them?  Or strangle them?  Or stab them?  No????  Well, in that case, I doubt you'll ever become a killer - whether you're adopted or not.  Just remember that some people talk a load of c**p - that emailer/answerer is one of those people.

  24. No, this is just another prejudice and nothing more. Try to forget about it.

  25. anyone has the POTENTIAL to be a killer.

  26. i'm the polar opposite.  while i believe in womens choice for abortion, i would save a life of anyone, within reason (not if it will prolong a painful end) and i would also save any animal.

    i'm a sucker for living.  i would not kill anyone unless they threatened me or my family.  even then, i don't have a gun and do not want one, even for protection, so i guess i'm outta luck of someone threatens me.

  27. ok yea young lady i suggest you find or buy a brain cuz u need one..

  28. no..........the news trys to scare plp for no reason...... thats why i dont watch or read the news

  29. No I do not buy this.....the media always likes to play on the hype......if it bleeds it leeds....and if the are adopted even better!!!

    Since some adoptee's propose that you are more like your birthfamily and thus do not fit into your adoptive family should we consider that all birthfamlies are emotionally unstable???

    Can't have it both ways......Nature vs. Nurture. In actuality it is a little of both. My dd's first father is a convicted rapist and diagnosed sociopath. Yet she is very loving, compassionate and empathetic child. I think it is hogwash drawn up for sensationalism. In a world of 24 hour news they need to "create" scenarios. Ask twins...they are tormented all the time with the good twin vs. the evil twin theory. It makes for great story telling but not good science.

    If you heard more about the story this young man wanted his inheritance money. I say it had more to do with greed than with adoption.

  30. all people

  31. I have a cousin that was adopted, never killed anyone

    I know several adult that were adopted, none were killers

    It's like saying, those who were abuse, will be abuser

    That also not true

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