
Really confusing guy- long but 10 POINTS !!?

by  |  earlier

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Ive hung out with him a few times and gotten stoned, but its always been with his friends and i dont talk to them... i talk to him though but not all that much.

After the last time we met up he text me and was like "thanks for coming, your a really sweet girl. And heres the truth i really like you. i think your gorgeous" then he said "like i know we are just mates, but i think your pretty as" and said we should catch up more

he also said "i just like chilling with you"

1. Does this mean he likes me, as in potentially think of me as his girlfriend?

2. Would you mind (especially if your a guy) if i was with you because of your friend and i didnt really talk all that much, only to him?

im 16, hes 17




  1. Well you know like smoking that ****, really makes

    people make a lot of sense.

    When he is not partying , he is a jerk,  listen to what

    'you work he is dismissive and insensitive.

    If i was you, i would hit back with .... whats wrong with

    how i look .... have you not smoked enough weed yet ?

    Being so young you are so vulnerable, he is not the

    bees knees if he is rude to you , the forgetful thing is what

    i have told you....stop smoking the ****** and go out with

    people who are real....neither of you need that stuff.

    I'm sure he likes you , but really you have been forewarned.

  2. no he was just stoned and talking to you while he was high !

    offcourse he LIKES YOU !

  3. He wants you to wax his floor.

  4. He's seeing you as a easy lay now...

  5. duh he likes you hard out ! how is he confusing ?!

  6. He obviously likes you, he came straight out and told you that. I think he definately wants more than to be just your friend. I dont really understand number 2 of your question.... but the additional things that you've added I think he is flirting with you, or trying to cover up that he likes you.....

    If you like him, go for it.... Sounds like you do so i'd just go for it....

    BTW -- you should stop getting stoned... its bad! lol

  7. of course he likes u...u just need 2 get over why he would like u!  

  8. >>>> im 16, hes 17 .......................... GOOD

    >>>> WORKING TOGETHER .............GOOD

    >>>>SMOOD TALK............................AWSOME

    >>>>GET IN HI TOGHRTER.................PRICE LESS.....


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