
Really c**p summer, constantly left out. If you could help me please?

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thanks for any help, I really really apreciate it!

Well I'm 15. My best mate (for 4 years) recently just dumped me for other people. My friends now make me feel really upset. My friend Katy got asked to go away with my friend Suzan. And Katy also got asked to go away with my friend Betheny. And my friend Holly went away with my Jess. But nobody asked me to go away with them. I'm nobodys best friend.

And recently Katy and Holly and other people got invited to a party that I didn't and now I feel really rejected and left out.

I just feel really lonely and rejected. And making new friends isn't really an option. And everyone keeps telling me to make new mates. But people at my school hate me and are all in there little groups. So I don't know what to do.

Thank you for your help thank you so much!




  1. all of those people sound like jerks (read your other questions).  

  2. friendships will change, and move in different directions, maybe it is time to face the music and find some different ppl to hang out with, cos you certainly dont sound happy with these 'friends'

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