
Really embarresed but wheres the??

by  |  earlier

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Ok first things first im actually a trans man, now this is extremely embaressing so im not even going to state my age because you will all think im a total idiot for not knowing.

I recently bought a STP (stand to pee device) and well its ok but i got alittle need to say much details.

I tried using the guide and well WHERE THE h**l DO WOMEN PEE FROM???

I never really paid attention just went and left, and at school we were probably taught it but being the adolescent perv i was i can pretty much guartentee i was looking at the v****a pic but i wasnt hearing a word lol!!

iam not a troll, i will admit iam somewhere in the middle or 19-24 years old, this is a serious question.

I tried asking my best mate but she just kinda laughed then hungup on me, i cant ask my other mates as im not out to them, and my mum well im not out to her either.




  1. women pee kinda close to where the C**t is.

  2. try wikipedia

  3. Women pee out of the urethra it is a small hole connected to the bladder.  The urethra can be found about half an inch above the vaginal canal and an inch below the clitoris.    

  4. we pee out of the clitoris. its just a mini p***s. try mastering peeing sitting down first. get and hand mirror and get used to yourself.

    i think even i would struggle with stand up peeing.

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