
Really exhausted being horribly underweight?

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i just never seem to be hungry but I hear my tummy sometimes making sounds that’s when I know I need to eat

. i hate being thin and i hate when people comment on me being too thin. i don't try to keep my weight low

Sometimes it's just too much effort to eat and/or the smell of food makes me heavy

n if it happens i ate a big meal i feel nauseous after

n cant stay awake or in a very clear mind state it feels like food drugs me

I have beautiful face n bones shape other wise

I just keep getting skinnier until I look like some creepy skeleton-lady or something.

It's not very pretty and I think I look terrible. I want to have more meat on my bones!

am tired of that really don't know what am i supposed to do

i have my engagement party coming on November n am afraid that I cant get in healthy shape to wear a gown cues now nothing seems to fit me

Really exhausted being horribly underweight

am 5'4.tall and 40 kg !!!

Any medicines advices anything! :(




  1. A person can be underweight due to inadequate intake of calories or some underlying illness. Remember the following points to increase your weight -

    • Have small frequent energy dense meals in the whole day. Take at least 5-6 meals in a day.

    • Improve eating habits and focus both on quantity and quality of food you consume.

    • If you are not gaining weight due to some underlying medical condition like anorexia nervosa then identify that first and treat it.

    • Include foods like nuts and oilseeds, high carbohydrate foods, milk and milk products, pulses, sprouts, eggs, chicken, fish or meat in your daily diet.

    • Regular exercising will also help to build muscles.

    For acidity remember the following tips -

    • Avoid starving or keeping large gaps between your meals and avoid over eating.

    • Also avoid oily foods, too spicy foods, strong tea or coffee. Don’t have tea or coffee alone (even if it is mild); at least eat a couple of crackers to avoid acidity.

    • Eat meals at least 2-3 hrs before sleeping hours and relax and sit after eating a meal (avoid lying down immediately after a meal).

    • Avoid taking any kind of stress, mental or physical as far as possible as this would worsen your condition.  

    • Completely avoid alcohol, smoking and tobacco.

  2. You shouldnt get to be so hungry that your stomach makes noises. you really need to eat more - eat a lot of proteins and fats and higher calorie foods.

  3. If you really want to lose weight. use the links on this website, they can help you lose 20-30 pounds in only 2 weeks time...I believe you can do it.

    And a inspiring quote for you:

    "The fact is, that to do anything in the world worth doing, we must not stand back shivering and thinking of the cold and danger, but jump in and scramble through as well as we can."

    Robert Cushing

    Goodluck my friend!

  4. first, have you been to a doctor? You can have a disease which causes the loss of appetite and weight. You should be tested.

    Second, try brewing yeast. It has a lot of vitamin B, too. It will make you gain weight in a week. Either buy at pharmacies, as supplement, or in any place which specializes in brewing. Three pills a day/three tablespoons a day - depends on the product, and you are there. Good for bones and hair as well. Brewing yeast is harmless, it's like vitamin supplement, but still go to the doctor.

  5. I can only recommend seeing a dietitian or a doctor

    they can do the best help for you.

    They will give you all the advice you need

  6. Sounds like you may be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome or a fungal infection.  Some of it could also be psychological, sounds like your under a lot of stress and pressure with the upcoming ceremony.  

    Check out this forum:  Scroll down to post #7 and #8.

    To check for a fungal infection try and take the yeast test.

    You should see your doctor, as they can check you for Crohn's disease or other underlying causes as well

    In the meantime, peppermint, ginger, or chamomile tea can help settle your stomache and ease your nerves.  

  7. I think everybody feels tired after a huge meal, when your bloated, because all the parts of your digestive system have been working really hard to make sure that your food is digested properly, so you'd probably want to go to sleep.

    Since this is so uncomfortable for you, try eating small meals throughout the day. Instead of eating the normal 3-a-day, try eating like, 6 meals throughout the day.

    For the first meal, eat an egg, no matter how you feel, because... well, just because it's a good breakfast. And everyone says so :D

    The second meal, you can eat a snack, like juice and crackers or cookies and milk or whatnot.

    The third meal, aka LUNCHHH, haha, you can eat a bit more. Eat a small portion of pasta or spaghetti or something. :]

    The fourth meal, eat some fruit or veggie sticks. They're goooood :D

    The fifth meal, eat something like not too filling, but you'll be good for a few hours.

    The sixth meal, you should eat some more healthy stuff, like salad.

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