
Really good protein sources??????

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i need to have more protein in my diet

what are some really good sources other than meat

meat disgusts me

i need good sources in small quantities because i have a small metabolism





  1. protein quality is always compared with the egg as eggs have the best all around source of amino acids and protein in general.  eggs can be prepared savory (omelette and quiche) or sweet (creme brulee, meranges).  so i would say eggs (or egg whites are ok if you want to be lite).

    peanuts are another great one for protein and acording to some studies, the most filling food per calorie.

    cottage cheese and ricotta cheese are high in whey which is dairy protein.

    tofu or edamame are great if you tolerate soy.  stay away from processed soy foods and protein powders, these are all high in free glutamate which is basically msg, plus me and everyone i know doesn't digest them well.

    i would say these are the best non-meat sources of protein.

  2. Peanut butter, beans, mock meats (such as veggie dogs, tofurkey, veggie protein slices...these will all be available at your grocery store, even walmart), oatmeal, soymilk, lentils, whole wheat bread or rice, nuts are all excellent sources of protein, and even fruits and vegetables have small amounts of protein in them. And if you still feel like you aren't getting enough protein, visit your local health food store or supplement store and you can buy over the counter protein supplements. Hope this helps :)

  3. All of the answers above are good but remember that vegetarians need to eat 10-20% more protein because of the lower digestibility of plant based foods.

    For a complete discussion go the the website listed below for a good every day guide for vegetarians.

  4. lentils, chickpeas, tofu/tempeh

  5. carry little baggies of dry-roasted nuts with you .... great source of protein and you can just pop a few when you're hungry:) ....cheese is good too.....

  6. Soybean which has all the essential amino acid of protein.

    So take more soybean product like tofu, soymilk, tempeh.  If not, beans, seeds and nuts, vegetables, eat plenty and assorted to get all the required.

  7. whole chicken has 95% of protein....

  8. Tofu, tempeh, quinoa, and combining rice& legumes.

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