
Really good question please answer???

by  |  earlier

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i just found out i have endometriosis. and even though its not bad now i know it will get there because its developed ove5r the course of the last few months. my question is what is the process you have to go through in order to be put on fertility meds such as clomid or anything? i want just one more baby and then i am having my tubes tied. i want to get pregnant now verses waiting and then it be to late.

i am in a stable relationship have been married for two and a half years and i have a daughter that is one year old. me and my husband want to conceive again before its to late........




  1. In order to determine whether fertility meds are appropriate for you, you need to see a doctor (an OB/GYN or an RE).

  2. I have that too. My doctor gave me a year to get pregnant, and then if I didn't we would look into seeing a specialist. I got pregnant 5 months after she said that.

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