
Really hard riddle....?

by  |  earlier

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OK, s****. />
There are 6 pirates and 6 bankers on one side of the river.

You are in the boat and have to bring them one by one to the other side.

There are no other boats and no they cant swim

They all have to get to the other side...the catch is that the pirates can NEVER out number the bankers on EITHER side unless you are there and take one of the pirates back to the oppisite side with you.

You can also take ppl both direcions.

There can be equal pirates and bankers on each side.

How do you get them to the other side??

good luck

i couldnt figure it out lol




  1. omg my theater arts teacher made me do this

    my group did figure it out

    its easy !

  2. Take the pirates over one at a time, and send the last one back for each of the bankers.

  3. can you PLEASE post the answer, my brain hurts

  4. Take 1 pirate. Go back. take 1 banker. Go Back. Good luck with the rest because I am now stuck.

  5. Take 2 pirates over.

    Take 1 pirate and 1 banker over and then bring the banker back with you.

    Take 2 bankers over and bring 1 pirate back with you

    Take banker and pirate over with you.

  6. You need to tell us how many people can be carried in the boat.

  7. not possible!!  

  8. I looked at the this for a few minutes and I have to say yes this is a hard riddle and no, I can not answer it.  I do not want a headache.

  9. we did this in school...

    i dont remember the answer

    it is really hard to figure out!

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