
Really hard riddles?

by  |  earlier

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Please do not post the any answers because i want to figure it out.Best riddle10 points.




  1. lol this may not be a good one but............

    there were these two girls filling out an application for a job. they looked exactly alike. on the application they both put the same birthday the same parents names the same phone # and the same adress! when they went to hand it in the guy read them and said oh you two must be twins! and they said nope

    what were they???

  2. a man was sitting and he was on y!A so,he sat on a chair but he was away from the computer he din hae a mob internet so how was he on y!A?

    a lady went to the garden with her 2 dogs and another lady was their too with one cat and when the dogs saw the cat they got scared but the cat was small and wasnt hiddeous at all so why did the dogs get scared?

    a small girl got a new dress she kept it in a bag and kept it in her cupboard the next day she woke and was surprised to find her dress dirty how did her dress get dirty?

    there are two petkeepers on the table and there is one cookie left in the bag and they both want it,boy A is clever,boy B knows equations(u know like how he can get the cookie in time) so who do you think will get the cookie first...?????

  3. You are in a game show and there are two doors. one door holds 1 million dollars and the other door holds a donkey. in front of the doors are two men one with a black hat and one with a white hat. One always tells the truth and one always lies. But you don't know which one lies or tells the truth. If you wanted to win the money, what question do you ask which guy?

  4. 1. if you feed me i will grow but if you give me a drink i will die. what am i?

    2. i am round as an apple,deep as a cup, but all the kings men couldnt pull me up. what am i?

    3. there are 2 lady bugs in front of a lady bug, and 2 ladybugs behind a ladybug and there is a lady bug on both sides of another ladybug, how many ladybugs are there?

  5. 1.  Why is it called a TV set when theres only one?

    2.  What should one call a male ladybird?

    3.  Why do birds not fall out of trees when they sleep?


  6. A man is found dead in a room with 53 bicycles.  He wasn't run over or killed by the bicycles.  How/why did he die?  Email me for answer.

  7. Cannot be seen, cannot be felt, cannot be heard, cannot be

    smelt. It lies behind the stars and beneath the hills. Ends life and kills laughter

  8. A mother dog has three puppies,

    there names are mopsy, topsy and popsy.

    What is the mothers name.

    The mothers name is WHAT. What is the mothers name because I didn't use a question mark at the end so im not asking you im telling you because i used a period.
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