
Really hate my job but want a baby! should i stick it out or leave?

by Guest62078  |  earlier

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i have been off the pill since jan, ireally want a baby but am hating my job at the moment, ireally want to leave but knowing my luck il leave and get pregnant straight away then wont be entitled to any maternity! really dnt knw if to stick this job out ot just leave, cz it could be another few months or even years till i get pregnant! just feal stuck in a rut! any advise please?




  1. Nothing to worry.Always fix your  priority.It depends on your age also.

    do the thing which gives u pleasure in future for that u may have to take pains,

  2. find another job and leave, even if you fall pregnant quick and arnt entitled to mat pay through work you will get it of the government as maternity allowance.  

  3. Hi if you dont like the job then I would leave anyways, it wont stop you from trying for a baby , but like you say you probably wont be entitled to any maternity if you did get another job, but then you can say that if could take ages for you to concieve, I would just leave the job because you dont like it, and still try for a baby anyways, as its no good being in a job you dont like, I didnt get any maternity because I worked for myself etc, all you have to think about is your happiness, if you want you can always look for another job which will bring in money now.

    Only you know what you want out of your life and job, but if my job was making me misrable then I wouldnt stick at it weather I would get maternity or not.  

  4. I guess it depends on if you have any leave owing that might help you if you do go on maternity leave, would be a shame to give that up if you quit, but then again, if you really hate the job that much, it'll be less stress on you if you do decide to quit.

    You could always look for a job elsewhere....

    I used to work for an employer that had some sort of clause in their employment contracts that said a person could not be granted maternity leave in the first 12 months of employment. They offered 3 months paid maternity leave, and didn't want people just applying for jobs there because they wanted to work there for a few months then get paid to stay at home. Perhaps see if you can look into that before you look for any other jobs.

    Good Luck!

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