
Really hot guy giving mixed signals what do i do i NEEd HELLP?

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so i met him on friday we were pretty cool he said i was reallly cute and he flirted with me ALOT he commented one of my myspace pictures and i asked him for his number and he gave it to me and then i messaged him mine then yesterday he came up to me and put his arm around me and we talked before i went to class and today he didnt talk to me at all... what happened




  1. Disregard all those questions that say "Blow him off, dump him!". That's a really good way to completely LOSE a relationship. He probably had a lot on his mind, and if he was the only one making the moves on Friday, he might have felt that you didn't want to have him so close to you. Anyway, you can't expect him to be your absolute-all-the-time-super-best-in-the-... friend every second of the day. If this is his first relationship, he probably feels like he was out of control on Friday and that he needs to hold back a lot more. Make sure you and him communicate, and talk with him when he's around.

  2. If he put his arm around you he must like you. I personally don't put my arm around girls I don't like. It is only a day. If it was two weeks then I would say he liked you but then someone else got his attention.

    He is trying to see if you like him back. He made an effort to show you that he liked you. He wants you to make an effort to show him. Like maybe, buy him something you think he would like, something small.

    Then ask him if you two can take a walk and then grab his hand to hold it. When you do this it is show him that you like him too and you can make an effort to show it and you are proud of it.  

    I am much older than you, but it is strange how even as we get older the little things guys and girls do, as acts of caring, still mean the most, and never get old.



  3. awww that guy really likes u , i can't even see the problem , i'm sure he didn't talk today co he's embrassed that he made all the moves in the relationship and he was the one to start it , u have to call him :)

    Heeeeeelp !!;...

  4. Probably had a lot on his mind; school and all the like. Give him a few days.

  5. Maybe he is a little shy. Just give the "new" relationship going and see what happnes from there.  


  7. guys are always dumb and inconsistant when comes to that kind of stuff.

    dont worry he will probably be playful with you again, just be chill about it and see what happens!

    try commenting him on myspace or texting him!


  8. hes a PLAYAAA :D

  9. blow him off, he has his head up his own ***.  Narcissist, wants you to chase him around.

  10. he was probably having a bad day or something

  11. most guys want to see if you will chase them down so they can look at you 2 see if your a desperate person. or it could be they are just being an *** about it  

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