
Really ! i need help its so awkward?

by  |  earlier

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ok well my friend.. well best friend- lucy. she is 14 now nearlly 15 and she said im the only one who will understand her problem but i dont know what to do so i need help...

she told me the other day that she stil wets her bed and she is sick and woried.. i oviously told her to go to her doctor and she said that she was to embaraced and scared so she hasnt told her parents or doctor and doesnt want to ....

she never comes to my sleepovers and its annoying because i dont have them that often because i share a room with my sis...

i dont know what to say to her or what to do.. Pleaseeeeeee help me !!

thanks x




  1. If she is still wetting the bed it can be one of two things. A sign of emotional trauma because something has happened to her and she can't deal with it. In that case she needs to talk to a trained professional and if it is the cause of abuse he person responsible needs to be reported.

    The other possible answer is it could be a number of medical problems. She would have to see a doctor because there is nothing you can do to help her. You can offer to go with her most doctors will allow you into the exam room with her and you can give your support that way. Either way she needs to tell a parent (if the parents are the abuser she needs to talk to another adult she trusts such as a friends parent, teacher, ect...)

  2. I think it could be due to sudden stess or worry if something major has happened in her life recently or it could be more medical and be something like a weak bladder or abnormally small bladder or bladder irritation.

    I think she should go to the doctor, if she needs support then offer to go with her.

  3. set alarms so she gets up at night to pee. have 1 at 11 and another at 2 than 1 again at 6.If that dosent work, dont drink fluids within 4 hrs of her bed time. (your not saposta anyways ) !!!!!! Also make sure she pees b4 going 2 bed.

    ~hope this helps

  4. Offer to go to the doctors with her. Remind her that the doctor will see weirder stuff than this every day!!

    Could it come down to something as simple as her drinking too much before bed?

    I wet the bed when I was 16 cos I drank 2 cups of tea before bed!!

    Maybe she could try setting her alarm in the early hours to get up and use the loo until she wakes up automatically?

    She can't let it rule her life. She should be out at sleepovers!!

    But really it should be the doctors so do your best to convince her.

    Good luck!

  5. maybe you could go with her to the doctor?

    make sure the doctor is female (its just easier).

    or if you think it might be better with a counsellor? (if you think is might be phsycological)

    how can her parents not know? i mean, she must change the sheets and wash them and stuff?

    is it every night or only on days when *blank* happens? is there any way to stop *blank* happening?

    good luck

  6. she doesn't wanna spend the nite since she WETS THE BED


    if she won't call a doc tell ur mom and have ur mom tells lucy's parents, sure she might me mad at first but then  she will realize u only had her best interest at heart

    tell someone please

    good luck 8)

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