
Really interestin. Not racist, but I'm wondering how?

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children will look like (skin color/pigmentation) when a Caucasian woman (with Caucasian parents and all white colored family members) will expect a child with an African American man (that was born from African American parents but has a half sister that is albino)... Will the child look half and half or gravitate towards one color? Or have white skin but black hair? Even though there are equal amount of chromosomes that made this child, I heard that the child usually configures to it's mother more, and I want to find out if that is true or it just depends on something utterly different?




  1. Darwin genetics stated that skin pigments are considered an incomplete dominance (which means that both colors are equally present as one blended color). So it is a mix of both skin colors. But in all the caucasian-african kids I've seen, they look more african, but lighter then that of the parent.

  2. You never really can tell. I have a friend and she's white, her husband black. One of their sons has really light skin and coarse curly black hair and the other son has really dark skin and straight silky white hair. It's so strange- but theyre both gorgeous children. Mixed babies tend to be so I've noticed.

  3. The girls I babysit for who have a black dad and white mom (way white, with red hair!) look predominantly caucasion... but very tan, with soft and smooth big curls (not tight curls like their dad). Basically, they are gorgeous... look like they will grow up to be hawaiian tropic models.

    If you saw them without either of their parents, you would think they were tan white people. If you saw them with their mom, you'd know their dad was black cause she is so pale. If you saw them with their dad, you'd see the african american come out.

  4. Kind of like my neighbors...they are a multiracial family who's Wife is African American, and husband is Caucasian. Their son is tan skinned with blonde curly hair. He's a beautiful little boy, but definitely got different traits from both. It's exciting to find out, but there's really no way to know how a child will look. I've never seen a multiracial person that I didn't think was gorgeous though...

  5. my daughter is half white and half black and she is quite a doesn gravitate toward the mother persay but usually tha african gene is more dominant...her father is lighter complected and im dark complected to be caucasian and we both have dark hair and dark eyes...our daughter on the other hand has sandy blond hair and olive skin and green wrks pretty much the same as any other child...a child could end up with any features really

  6. my auntie is german and my uncle was black.  my cousin looks like my sons (my husband's white).  curly hair and tan looking skin.  it all depends on those genes!

  7. the african american pigmitation is more dominant.

    but my neighbor has 3 kids.

    the mom is african american, hte dad is like major european descent.

    the oldest looks exactly like her mom, the middle has realllly tan skin, and the youngest looks exactly like her dad

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