
Really jealous business owner - jealous of our store.?

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We have just recently moved our store to a new location in a small mall.We are a discount store that sells a little bit of more.Before we moved to the store, the owner of the mall went to our old store to check our merchandise.The store in front of us sells jewelery - that is what they are dedicated on.Our store focuses on "quantity" the more we have the more customers we attract. We have a small maybe 50-10 pieces of jewelery. None that look like the store in front of us. We brought them in from the other store, we already had them.

The store in front of us, is now WORRIED we are going to steal their business from them. They think we will close them down. She also sells items others have and more than 5 stores there sell jewelry too. She wants us not to sell jewelry. She says she cant sleep. She also owned the store in front of us BUT IT DID NOT WORK OUT, the had to move the second store to another location. Is she over reacting?




  1. Tell her to use sleeping pills and continue to sell the jewelry.

    If she's THAT worried about losing business, she shouldn't be in business in the first place.

  2. In the interest of neighbourliness and kinship, you *could* consider selling her the rights to sell jewellery exclusively if it isn't a big part of your traffic or revenue and it won't put you out. Take what you've sold in jewellery over the last year or so, then offer to let her basically buy that revenue from you in exchange for you using the space to sell something else. You might also examine whether she's actually lost any revenue since you've moved in. This is something you'd work out pretty cheaply with the landlord, your accountant, and an attorney, but if this continues like this a lot of good business relationships are going to get destroyed.

    It's tough in small business; we have to look out for each other.

    She is over-reacting, but she's scared for a reason. Her biggest dispute is actually with the landlord for moving in two tenants with competing goods, but if that isn't addressed in the least then something else needs to work in its place.

  3. YES SHE IS, DON'T WORRY ABOUT IT, AND ASSURE HER YOUR NOT IN BUSINESS TO hurt anyone else's business and that there's plenty of room for you both...the public makes the choice of what they want and where they want to purchase it from you have no say, any more than she does in that matter...She's not a very good business woman if she Lacks the comprehension of competition...fair market

    we all get to decide individually what we want and when we want it and where we want to buy it.....10 points thank you...

    happy 4th. be safe

  4. In today's economy, I'm sure that she is worried that someone has moved into the same space and will now sell the same items. It's frightening if your income depends on your store succeeding or failing. Do you need these jewelery sales and have they been big sellers in the past? Is your variety of goods attracting alot of buyers to other products? Answer these questions and you will find the answer. Perhaps both of you can come to an agreement. Don't let her dictate  to you. If you do decide to take the jewelery out, tell her that this is the only item you will consider. Overall, it's up to you.

  5. Well maybe not from her point of view if you are right next door and maybe she can see people are more attracted to the jewellery you're selling i guess it would worry anyone! especially as she does sound like shes had some failures.

    however thats not your problem, and this is your business too thats at stake, and unfortunately for her, if she doesnt have a great store she will lose customers- to you or to anyone else. Keep doing what you're doing and run your store as you want. If she has a good shop and a good eye for the products she wants to stock and the market she wants to appeal to she should be just fine. In fact I'd probably tell her that.

    if she goes under its not your fault- it would have happened sooner or later anyway. The world is always full of competition and she needs to realise that.

  6. You seem to be more worried than she is, this is the second time you are asking the same question. If you let yourself worry about it that much, you are the one that will go out of business due to poor health. In business you can only be nice to a point. She will win if you keep worrying. Have some hut-spa, some ba__s, just push forward and do not worry about it..............understood !!!

  7. Don't worry, there is enough business for everyone.  if it is a busy mall, everyone will m ake money.  Remember, people buy from people they like.  Just be kind and courteous to everyone, your customers, your neighbors and yourselves.  Customers like to shop where they feel good and relaxed.

  8. If she's that worried, it means that her own business is not doing well. Also, if she owned another business which failed, it means that she is probably still paying bills on that failed business. That can happen. So, she needs every bit of money that she can make.

    Also, money is tight right now for a lot of people, so it's more likely that customers will go into your discount store and pick up inexpensive stuff, instead of her merchandise.

    You are not responsible for solving her problems. Just stick to your shop.

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