
Really need answers.Usually get pos ovulation result on CD12 but didnt month after miscarriage.Please help!?

by  |  earlier

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So I know this question is going to sound so stupid to all you..but I always write down my periods and I use ovulation test every cycle I usually have a 32 day cycle and get a positive result the 12th day of my cycle. I recently had a miscarriage and we are now trying again. I know things can be thrown off by this but my last period was July 13-17 and right now I am in cycle day 12 and had a NEGITIVE ovulation test this morning..and looking back I always have a positive one on the 12th day...I am freaking out because Im scared I'm not going to ovulate even though I know ovulation never occurs the same time every month and I know I ovulated last month obvioulsy because I had a I just freaking out for no reason? I have like 15 or so ovulation test left for this month. And I have been testing since cycle day 7.. thats 6 days of negitive tests... any way. If this helps in any way at all.. I started to bleed the month I had my miscarriage on the 6th and stopped bleeding the 11th.




  1. Your cycles might be changing, and this would be totally normal because your hormones just had a bit of a shock to their system and they're trying to regulate. Keep testing ... you'll get a +OPK soon, but it might take a week or so. Certainly don't freak out -- your body will sort itself out and you'll be fine :) Deep breaths and all that, OK? LOL  Oh, and also, your cycles might not go back to their previous length, ever. Many women get longer or shorter periods after a pregnancy, again because the hormonal cocktail has shifted things around a bit. Just be sure to write down all the new dates and times which will help you conceive again soon, I'm sure xoxoxox

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