
Really need help regarding ipod touch ....?

by  |  earlier

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as you know when we connect the ipod to itunes for syncing ... down below in the summary page is shown the capacity of the ipod . music is represented by blue , empty space is represented by white , video is represented purple , pictures is represented by yellow and OTHERS is represented by orange .

now there are two questions .. first .. wot does "other" represent in the ipod ..

second whenever i connect my ipod it shows that 4.47 gb is occupied by others ... even when i cleaned up all the music , video , contacts , pictures ... yet the it shows my ipod is filled with 'others' with 4.47 gb ...

i dont knw wot to do .. i want to remove it completely frm my ipod ...

i have resetted my ipod but the problem remains .

is there a way to totally clean up my ipod so that its fully empty .. ??

p.s: im using version 1.1.1

help me plz ....




  1. Well like the above person said...album artwork, contacts etc. I don't think you can totally "clean" your iPod, because the OS and firmware itself takes up memory as well.

  2. others can refer to like your apps, your safari bookmarks, and most importantly the album artwork because that does take up space

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