
Really need some help with my friend!!?

by  |  earlier

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i recently asked this question----------------------my best friend is really confused and doesn't no what to say to her and i need some help....... she has a boyfriend who she likes a lot but doesn't love just yet but she is in love with another guy and doesn't no what she should do.......can you please help..i don't no what she should do because she REALLY likes her boyfriend and she's broken up with him before and she was sooo upset about it.---------------------and now this guy has said that he likes me more than he likes my best friend and i think im starting to have feelings for him...i dont no wat to do!! please help!!! she has a boyfriend anyway and i think i might really like this guy




  1. You should go out with this guy. Tell this friend of yours that you also like this guy and that you two are really into each other. Tell her how long you have liked this guy (if it after she did then don't tell her) Tell the guy that you want to smooth things over. Just make your self happy as well.

  2. You're only starting to like him because he said he likes you more than her!  Get over it.  You didn't have a crush on him before.  If you go out with him you will lose your friend.

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