
Really nervous about going to new school?!?

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So I'm going to a school where i know no one and im going into 7th grade but my main problem is, is that its a 6 7 and 8 th grade jr high and I'm afraid everyone is already going to have friends from 6 grade and I'm not going have anyone. I'm really shy and insecure. What should I do??




  1. -Always Smile and say hello,

    -Start conversation with friendly faces

    -Eventually u will meet someone throughout the daii

    -Join after school clubs to meet someone with the same interests as you

    -Be Friendly and Nice

    -50% that there will be a new student also..

    -Have fun it will be FINE!


  2. hey i know EXACTLY how you feel! i went to the same school from kindergarten to grade 6 then we moved and i had to go to a different school. and it was a grade 6 7 and 8 school. it was a very small school tho. only one class for each grade. which means that all the students in the same grade were in the same class since kindergarten so they were all so close to each other. pretty much like brother and sisters. so i thought going to that school i would be the odd ball. i was so nervous to go. and i was VERY insecure and very shy also. so on my first day of school there i just stood outside the doors by myself waiting for the bell to ring. a lot of the people that were my age were kinda checkin me out..wonderin who the new girl was. finally when i got in the school and found my class i realized that there was only 8 girls in the grade 7 class and the rest of them were boys. but one girl just came up to me and asked to sit beside me so i said yes. after that everything was fine. and what i realized later on (like grade 9) is that when you are meeting new people or starting a new school the trick is to act very confident! just walk tall and have a smile on your face the whole time! even if you arnt confident at all! and people wont bother you..they will be scared too tease you or anything and you will meet people so much easier! so on your first day remember to WALK TALL and put a huge SMILE on your face and youll do just fine!! :D goodluck!!

  3. I know exactly what your going through. I just posted a question about it except I'm going into the 8th grade and won't get to graduate with my best friends. I've gone through it before and you've just got to be strong and be yourself no matter what! Try to make friends and if someone doesn't like you for who you are, there loss. Be strong and hang in there. And I know it's not as easy as it sounds. I want to cry my eyes out, school starts in two weeks..Just find a positive side of it and keep your head up :D

  4. I think you should be confident about yourself. But on second thought think that this is life. What can you do about it? Life is always like this.

    When I first enter a new school for grade 7, I am a bit embarrassed, however, I want to make new friends. So I start to greet them and tell a bit of my self.

    Just think in your mind "This is Life". XD  

  5. in sixth grade i moved fom the city and 6th grade were i moved was still in elementary school so everyone knew eachother from kindergarten but just be yourself if someone says hi attempt to make small talk you never know wat brings ppl together just read these answers to my question;...

  6. First of all try to avoid shy feeling.try to mingle with others.create chances to talk with your really help you to avoid the fear and shy.Dont feel that you are alone,try to start making friends. it will really helps you from this problem

  7. Hey I felt like that last year when I moved to a new school. Just be yourself, try and join things that you're interested in like sports and clubs, and don't be afraid to ask someone who you think will be your friend what their name is and start up a convo from there. It worked for me last year and they even introduced me to some of their other friends and there's a group of us now even though I still feel kinda iffy about some of them but its about me and them, it won't affect your outcome. But in all honesty, these things work. And guess what, most of those friends came to me first !! So try some of what I suggested and don't be afraid to talk.

    Good luck !

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