
Really nervous about switching math levels?

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At my middle school, we have two different math levels, one is taught at a slower pace, one faster. in 7th grade i was in the slower math but got an a+ every term. my math teacher told me that i'd be in the higher level next year... ive had straight a's all my life and now that i am in 8th grade, this math is going to be a big transition, and i really don't wanna get less than an a- to keep up my streak... how can keep from falling behind and stressing out?!

i suggested a tutor to my mom but she didn't think it was necessary and she really thinks i can do it but i'm not so sure :\




  1. my teacher told me the same thing in 7th grade,that i needed to be a little more challenged and i listened,so i ended up in algebra1,and i started failing the class,so i dropped out of algebra and they put me in a extremely to slow class,i needed to be in the average or a little above average class,but i got stuck in that one,and also it messed up my scedule and i also had to be in the to slow wv studies and science,and those classes had all the bad kids in it and we didnt learn all the stuff we were supposed to especially in math,cuz the teacher couldnt control the class.....  

  2. i beleive u can pick what level  u want to be in. F.Y.I one is called intensive which is when competely dont uderstand macth. Then theres one called regular whhere u pretty much avearge. Theres one called Advance which is when u get deeper into math

  3. go for the harder one  

    challenge yourself  

    unless u wanna be another of those normal americans

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