
Really nervous for school???

by  |  earlier

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i am starting school tommorow and i am really nervous i have anxiety and i worry a lot. I am so nervous, i don't have a lunch period i have like a full schedule. But I can eat 3rd period i know because i have art. I am just so nervous any soothing advice?




  1. "Don't waste a worry"

    You are worrying about something that doesn't exist yet - only in your thoughts.

    It has not happened, so how can you possibly know the outcome yet? It may turn out fine - and then you have wasted a worry.


  2. dont think so much about it just relax and just flow through the day!! hope it helps!

  3. i think u shouldnt worry that much. maybe u willl like ur schedule and if u dont go to a guidence counselor and they can change ur schedule if u want.

  4. It can always be really nervous starting school. All you need is to be yourself and you will get along with teachers, meet new friends and even a new boyfriend he he. Just take it a period a time. Take the time to met new people and i think you will get rid of your anxiety and stress.

  5. Most kids are nervous. It may surprise you to know that teachers get nervous before school starts. It is normal.  

  6. Stop.

    Take a long deep breath.

    Don't get yourself so stressed out about this two days ago I was in the Hospital because of an Anxiety Attack. Its not worth it just relax today go get yourself a manicure pedicure, and do something that relaxes you, hang out with friends they'll take your mind off starting school don't even think about it. Before you go to bed take a long bath, meditate, and drink a nice soothing tea, (if you don't like tea then a favorite drink to help relax you) but make sure it doesn't have caffeine so it wont keep you up.

    Don't be nervous I'm sure you will be just fine! Just don't over analyze, live each minute as it comes.

    I hope you have a nice day!


  7. Having a busy schedual can really cause a person to stress. TO help you calm down each day try this:

    What is the part of school that makes you nervous? Teachers? Classes? Work Load?

    Find a student or friends you can trust to tell about your problem and together you can come up with a solution

    Remember to set time aside to study

    BE ORGANIZED. If you can stay organized throughout the school year than you wont have as much to stress about.

    Stay on top of things. Don't fall behind or you will have to play catch-up.

    Instead of thinking about the bad things about school. Try to think about the good things.

    Remember to RELAXE! Its just school.

    Hope this could help!

  8. dant worry.i am sure that u will have great day.

  9. haha, ur gunna fail miserably! sucks 4 u!!!

    ok really, just relax. its no big deal.

  10. I don't know if this will help, but I should mention that the anticipation is almost always worse than the reality.  In other words, worrying about the first day of school beforehand is usually much worse than actually being in school.  So please realize that it won't be as bad as you think.  

    One other thing ... it sounds like your lunch period is something you're worried about.  If it really turns out to be rough, perhaps you could get your schedule changed.  I don't think any school officials would expect you to skip lunch, or to eat during art class.  I don't know the exact situation at your school, but I'd say to give it a try for a while, and if it isn't working out, make an appointment with the guidance counselor and see if they can do something about it.  

  11. Just breathe! Tonight, take a really hot bath or shower, right before you hop into bed and try to leave your feet sticking out of the covers. Going from hot to cold helps you fall asleep quicker.

    It sounds so crazy, but I've used this trick so many times when I was nervous about a big day.

    Good luck! Everything will be fine!

  12. I'm nervous too!!, there isn;t really anything that will stop you worrying. but you won't be worried whn your there

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