
Really puffy gums? I got my braces off.?

by Guest57080  |  earlier

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I got my braces off a week ago. And my gums are still SOO puffy. Seriously. It hasn't really gone down at all. And are gums supposed to feel hard? Because mine are. It is on the top teeth, puffiest at my front 4 teeth.

This is the closest thing I found on google:

It is much worse. My gums stick out and you can literally feel a bump between the teeth and gums. How can I get it down? Or is the only way surgery?




  1. Donot panic. The gums will become normal itself. Just keep brushing and flossing every day. The braces are there on other teeth, when they are removed, the things will become normal. Your front teeth, then adjusted to their new position, the gums will settle down. for more information you can visit

    They even have the facility of free consultation by dentist, where you can ask the question and it is promptly answered.

  2. That pic looks fine....Keep brushing with a SOFT only toothbrush, give it another week or so and really work the bristles at the gum line...pushing the tissue back a bit with a circular motion....

    Hopfully with 2 X a day for the one week, the tissue should respond....

    If you are still not sure, go visit the dentist.

  3. I had my braces off around about Four months ago. After having them removed i asked my Orthodontist why i had bumps around my teeth that where hard, she told me not to worry as they were just from where you brush you teeth and the places you cant reach because of your brace being there will inflame.

    She told me not too worry as they would go down within a couple of days she recommended too brush teeth regularly and to use an anti-septic mouth was such as Listerine and the inflammation would go down in time. Hope this helped you.

  4. i get this alot.. and i clicked on this bc i have it right now..

    but it usually is behind my teeth.. btween the teeth.. puffy..sore..

    idk really what..

    but i guess floss.. mouthwash..warm water..

    stay away from acidic materials (lemons, oj, ketchup)

    brush your teeth obviously..

    umm i pick at mine with a toothpick, but thats probably not the best thing to do.. lol

  5. i would go see my dentist

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