
Really really bad period cramps...why?

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Last night I got my period and I had no pain or bloating. Today when I got up I had terrible cramps, a headache, and I'm super sore. I've had my period for about 3 years and I never had any pain or bloating, then this June I started get cramps and every month its been getting worse. I tried pamprin, midol,cheaper brand of pms pills(dont remember name), and pepto. NOTHING helps AT ALL! I couldnt even go to school today I was in so much pain.

Why is this happening?




  1. Awh you poor pet i know exactly how you feel iv been in your position!!!! Okay lets see what advice i can give you...

    Firstly our cyles and periods can take years to settle up until your twentys so there is no need to worry.

    Period cramps that are that bad are regonised by doctors, speak to your gp who will be able to help you and also to rule out fibroids or posc which are  treatable, your gp may also do a blood test to see if its your hormones or a lack of iron causing the cramps.or give you a pill.

    A lot of young girls feel enbarrassed to speak to a parent or doctor about this issue but really there is no need, you do not need to put ur self through pain :)

    Now in the mean time heres a few things that may help:

    Avoid salt and cafine for the week before and during your period

    Drink lots of water and have some exercise walking is ideal week before and during period.

    Make sure you have fibre in your diet you may not even notice but you could be a little consitpated which can worsen cramps

    Tablets arnt working for you ask your mum or dad if theyl allow you to have a teaspoon of gin- it thins the blood.

    Try and have a warm bath when you get cramps i know you may not feel like it but it helps.

    Nurophen is the only painkiller that helps me try it.

    Hope this has helped you a little i was the exact same way as you,  not able to stand up crying nothing helping ect i spoke to the doc and iam all good now!!! best of luck!!!

  2. i don't really know but i know that happened to me

    did u use a heating pad yet?

    also run that somtimes takes off that pain

  3. It could be many reasons.  I just saw my doctor for the exact same thing.  I've had normal periods and then over the past few months, they've started to get worse and worse, where I'm taking ibuprofen four times a day because of the pain.  My periods are bright red and I go through one pad an hour or so.  Plus, they only last for two days.

    So far, my doctor said that it can either be a hormonal imbalance, a thick lining or polyps/benign tumors on my ovaries.  He did a basic exam where he felt my stomach and we found pain in my ovaries.  So I am going for an ultrasound, blood tests to check my thyroid, liver function and my hormone levels.  Then I have to go back to him a week after my ultrasound and have a proper pelvic exam and look over my results.

    Unfortunately, this is the NHS, so I won't be able to get the ultrasound for three weeks.  At least I don't have to pay for it, but it is annoying.

  4. well, sometimes things just happen like this. if you've only had it for about 3 years your're very likely to see changes like that (especially if you are or when you become sexually active things can go crazy there), and it might change again for the better or worse as well. over the years mine has settled down a's pretty much now 1 month i have a pretty painful one, the next month not so much and it alternates.

    however mine used to be pretty bad all the time. I missed school too and couldn't even get out of the bed some mornings and just cried and cried. the best I can do is offer you some tips to make it more bearable. Buy a heating pad and let it become your BFF. seriously, I just put it on my stomach or lay it flat on the bed and roll over onto it..and it really does wonders for cramps. if you're sore try putting it on other parts of the body too.

    if it really stays a problem you can go see a doc about it and they can give some advice. they might put you on birth control because that stuff can actually give you shorter, lighter, less painful, more regular periods!

  5. If your period continues like this for more than a few months, you should ask your doctor to test you for Endometriosis.

  6. It isn't uncommon for period intensity to increase around your age.  I'm guessing you are around 17 or 18.  With all of the major life changes that happen around this time, a woman's body changes too.  This could become your norm.  You may want to invest in birth control since it helps reduce many pms symptoms.  

    I got my period when I was 10 or 11 and when I was a junior in high school they suddenly got really bad.  I was already irregular but added to that was heavy bleeding, terrible cramps and nausea. I ended up on birth control and it really did help reduce my symptoms.

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