ok i tryed every thing 2 solve this but i cant fingur it out so here are some tips but u have 2 use ur imagination 2 slove this 1
This site was discovered outdoors in an uncovered area.
The site includes a circular concrete object 3' 6" high and 5' in diameter, with a base underneath which connects to the ground.
The circular concrete object has another concrete object of much smaller proportions on each side of it.
The two smaller objects are 1 and 1/2' high, 5' in length and curved in a half-moon shape.
Each of the two smaller objects also has an extension underneath that allows the object to rest upon a flat area made up of red bricks.
The red bricks cover a space of 20' by 30'.
These artifacts were found at the site:
Two small square objects with a thin wax coating. The objects have small spout openings with a strong smell permeating from the interior.
Three cylinder shaped metal objects small and light enough to hold in one hand. Ants are crawling inside and out of each object.
One hard-paper covered object containing hundreds of individual slices inside. Pictures, writings, and maps are on the slices.
One additional hard-paper covered object containing individual slices with numbers and writings on each of the slices.
One soft, crumpled, paper object with a small amount of rose coloring.
Five metal objects with jagged edges secured on a small metal ring.
thank u in advanced!!