So, I love to go to the perserve near my house. But whenever I dream about going to the perserve, it's never the real one I go to. But it's always the same one that doesn't even exsist. So heres my dream.
I was in the perserve, and I was walking back home, but right as I was on one of the paths that I ushally take, everyone, children and adults were dressed up as if it was Halloween. But, the adults weren't dressed up, they were apart of something that they had to come to each perserve once every year. So the adults did like adults at haunted houses do, they followed you around to scare you. I ignored them all and went on my way home. The next day I went back with my friends Kaitlyn to show her something I found. The halloween guys were still there, after I showed her we were on our way back to my house, and two of them were following us. I finally lost it and wanted them to leave us alone, so I picked up a stick and started beating them with it, they got mad and more and more.....