
Really rude mother to 'tomboyish' daughter?

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A woman rents some rooms in our house and she has a daughter. She's 9 and a really funny energetic girl. But her mom is very conservitive-basically living in the past-and is like 'oh my gosh you put the baseball down young lady'. This annoys me and what should I do?




  1. That is so stupid...

    You can't kick her out for that, and it's really none of your business, but you're right to worry about it.

  2. The mother has the responsibility to provide for her daughter and that includes training her best she can.  If it doesn't come under child abuse (where child welfare would be contacted), then it's her business.  We can't really judge others for their cultural standards.  The best thing to do is to continue being non-judgmental and friendly to both mom and daughter.  You'd be helping both out that way.  It's hard to be a single parent.  She is probably doing the best she can to bring up a healthy productive child.

  3. Unfortunately, there isn't a lot you can do.  Encourage the daughter however you can without offending, and try to bring up conversations with the mom about how great it is that she can raise a daughter in a time when girls can do anything they choose.  Maybe she'll take it to heart and realize that she should love and encourage her own daughter regardless of her own personal inhibitions.

  4. You are getting into the area of different parenting styles and it's dangerous territory. If it were really really annoying me, I might try subtly suggesting an alternate point of view like "I use to love playing with baseballs when I was her age also" or "Did you know the middle school has a girls fastpitch team now"  or something indirect like that. Good luck! As a tomboy myself, I really empathize with the 9 year old because my mom was always telling me to be 'more lady-like' but it didn't work - you just can't go against nature sometimes.

  5. i think that you should talk to the girl and let her know that there is nothing wrong with liking sports and to do her best at what ever she likes as for the mother tell her she should be nicer to her daughter

  6. It is none of your business.  Unless the child is being physically abused, stay out of it.


  8. you just need to tell that woman that you will raise your own daughter

    and if 't work just tell her thatif she has anything else to say to your daughter that she can say it on her way out the door

  9. Nothing. Its not your place. As long as she's not abusing her, you have no right to interfere. Hard, eh?

  10. It is absolutely none of your business.  You are her landlord, not parenting advisor.

  11. Nothing you can do. She is not your child.

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