
Really scared of spiders?

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I'm sooo scared of spiders! i cant even look at spiders or kill them, some times (a lot) i feel like a spider might be crawling on me and kinda scream then start crying! but there's nothing there, i feel like there might be a spider on everything i touch so i always check, like for example toilet roll paper the hole thingy on the inside sometimes I'm afraid 2 touch it. its really scary, I'm afraid of baby spiders 2, i even get scared I'm going 2 have nightmares about spiders!

what can i should i do, is it really bad??




  1. It is normal to fear one thing or the another and you can handle it with professional and self help.

    Firstly you should see a psychiatrist to deal with your fear.

    Till that time follow these steps -

    1. Expose yourself and face your fears - You must face your fear to overcome it. When there is a spider around, don't automatically smash it. Take time to examine the spider, but at a distance that if it is life-threatening, you have time to do your justice to it.

    2. Accept and understand that spiders are a natural part of this world - Know that spiders are everywhere, and unavoidable. You will never fully escape the presence of spiders.

    3. Educate yourself on Spiders - Know which spiders native to your region of the world are harmful and know what they look like. There are very few spiders in some countries that are actually deadly. Other areas of the world have more risky varieties. For those that may be harmful, there is almost always a cure at your local hospital.

    4. Learn to overcome your fearful behavior - Spiders don't hate you because you hate them. Even though you may daily stomp away at these pests, it isn't every day that they come plunging at you meat-hungry. Don't over-react.

    5. Start the process of overcoming your fear - Have someone you trust and feel safe with buy some toy spiders and some pictures. To truly overcome your fear, you have to learn how to deal with spiders in your presence. Starting with something small like a toy or picture helps a lot. Sit near the person you trust and have them slowly and quietly take out the toy or picture and try to sit still for a couple of seconds. Each day when you feel comfortable, try to increase your time spent with the toy spider or picture. When you feel safe or comfortable enough, try touching the toy or picture. Again as time goes by when you feel even more comfortable, increase your time spent having contact with the toy or picture.

    Tips -

    * Spiders are more afraid of you than you are of them.

    * When overcoming your fear, don't be upset if your time actually decreases. Phobias are not easy to overcome and it takes patience.

    * Try to figure out why you're afraid of spiders or what it is about them that makes them scary to you. Talk to a trustworthy friend or family member and have them help you slowly overcome your specific reason of fearing spiders.

    * Try watching little children movies or reading little children's story books on spiders.

    * Remember that even though there are spiders all over the world, not every single one of them is going to come into contact with you.

    * Spiders are very good at keeping your home free of other bugs and pests, if there were no spiders in the world, we'd be up to our necks in bugs!

    * Take the time out to appreciate the beauty of these creatures, watch documentaries and learn more about them.

  2. yeah...well i would seek some medical help--there are ways to treat extreme fears---health fears are normal but this is a bit abnormal!

  3. Unless you take some action its not going to get any better.  I suggest you start with pictures.  There are more than enough on the Internet.  Check some of the sites listed when people ask to identify spiders.  You also want to learn about spiders and how they make a living. Focus on the beneficial aspects of spiders and how they keep your house clean of insects.  Once you get comfortable with pictures start watching them whenever you find one.  Try to identify any you see.  You should eventually loose some of your unreasonable fear.  If you do not you need professional help.  Spiders will be around you the rest of your life, you need to learn to live with them.

  4. I too really hate spider , i even dare not to go near it..

    what i usually do is either ignore it or ask someone to take it away.

  5. i am the exact same as you dude, everyone use to make fun of me now they know how serious it is htey dont. its awful

  6. see a psychiatrist

  7. im extremely scared of spiders too, there was 1 in my room last night, i had my mom wake up at 1 in the morning to kill it. although, i dont check things before i use / touch them, so i would recommend that either u face ur fear (hold a daddy long leg, they dont bite) or c someone.

  8. It's called arachnaphobia.

  9. I'm afraid of SOME types of spiders. I am not terrified though. I can be in the same room as them not care. I am afraid of Tarantualas and big spiders but not tiny house spiders. I don't touch them EVER either.  Yes it's sort of bad...Well first of all get rid of your fear of tiny spiders..just keep telling urself that they are not going to hurt u. They are actually afraid of u and will crawl away if u get too close. If u see a huge one! Just dont go near it...leave the room. Oh and dont worry, they are not in the toilet paper.

    If it doesn't get any better see a psychiatrist!

  10. I'm also scared. Just ignore them,as I do.

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