
Really scary dreams about my twin brother?

by  |  earlier

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So i have a twin brother. We've been pretty close since we were kids.. we used to always spend time to gether.. Now he tends to spend more times with his friends rather than home but he's still closer to me than my elder sister.

The weird thing is, in most of my dreams concerning my brother, he's evil. I'm not talking about, stealing candy kinda evil. I'm talking about murder here... he's ALWAYS trying to kill me in my dreams. It's weird.. we get along so well in real life so I dont understand why i have these weird dreams where my brother is almost always trying to kill me. Btw, it's not a one time thing.. I've had different dreams with different scenarios where my brother is ALWAYS trying to kill me. interpretation help? :S





  1. If someone is trying to kill you, it represents destroying parts of the self, killing off beliefs. behaviors or energies represented by the victim (you).

    If someone is trying to kill are losing energy or your life force.

    Your own thoughts, actions  or others in yuor life are taking your energy.

  2. is it possible that with your brother now breaking away from you, and you're world, that you're feeling a little threatened by him?

    Suddenly he has a new social life with new friends, and other things not concerning you.

    I don't really know if this is at all accurate, but that would be my best guess!

  3. Your dream is one of conflicting opposites in feeling.

    The dream actually reflects the closeness you've always shared - and that you still do.  But, it also reflects that he now shares that time and attention with others as the two of you grow older.

    Who can be closer than one's twin?  Rarely any.  The dreadful nature of the dream is nearly a measuring stick for the closeness you feel to him - and likely he for you.  But even the closest of people gain other friends and attractions as life goes on - and all must deal with the conflict they feel in that maturity in a personal way.  We naturally can feel some 'threat' or even hurt in these things.  Dreams such as yours are a way of venting some of that - but leave a confusing 'message'.

    Truly there is no real message except to reflect on what is driving the dream.  He is not likely becoming 'evil' - which you realize consciously.  But you may have pangs of 'evil' feelings - not real, but since dreams are terrific exaggerators seeing him go away with others can 'feel evil' - as if he intends to wound you.

    Consider these things - and the fact that he is not likely trying to catch you off guard to do you in.  After all, he could have 'done done you in' had he wished to, knowing you better than others... but of course he would not.  And, don't forget to look after your own new relationships in this - they will come along.  Each finds a pace of their own in such things - his may have come a bit faster than yours, that's likely all it is.  

    Reaching out in this way to new friendships will not destroy what you share with him - no other can even know what that is to the two of you.  Over time you will see that developing other friendships leaves the two of you even more uniquely special to each other in ways only you can share.

    You will have to decide, but perhaps this will help your understanding and let better dreams come to you.

    All the best to you.

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