
Really stressed out and depressed right now? Anyone on?

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I am going to be teaching my second year starting on the 25th. I am in no way prepared. It has just hit me that I have to start work tomorrow! I don't know if I'm moving back to another town...I am unsure. Didn't go in over summer to prep my classroom.... I'm pale and gained fat. I have had about 3 anxiety attacks, binged ate just now(donuts, sugar, fat food), took a whole bunch of diet pills(maxed the diet pills took 8 today, and you're only suppose to take 2)... Depressed and feel like dying-feel like there's nothing left... And snapped on TWO people when I went to the store today!! And all that did was intensify this anger I am having right now. On top of all this, I have to wake up at 7:00 AM tomorrow just so I can go to the pool in my complex to tan and swim for 5 hours. I might call a sub in for the first week, I don't know!! I feel like going to the nearest bar and get wasted right now. I'm SO stressed out. My hand is hurting bad from anxiety attack #2 punched wholes through my wall. It's not good...This anxiety and anger, depression and whatnot has been going on for a long time now ...

What should I do? Am I in a mental state to go to school and teach? Or should I call in a sub for the week?




  1. Ok firstly you are in no fit state to go and teach, so I would take a few days off to sort yourself out, but you have to get the root of why you are feeling like this otherwise in a few days time you will be no further on. maybe its the pressure of teaching? maybe its other things that have just built up and now seem out of control? i don't know, i'm not you, i don't know your life!  the fact that you are binging on junk food is a great indicator that you are depressed and the anxiety attacks. I would advise you to use your time these next few days off work to figure out what you really want, what will make you happy, what you really want to do with your life and most importantly i would go and see a doctor and explain just how you are feeling, just being able to sit down and talk to a stranger will be a big weight off your shoulder, everything wont feel so messed up in your head, at the end of the day the most important thing is you and your health, that's what you have to concentrate on right now, please don't be afraid to ask for help, we all need it at some point in our life, good luck x

  2. Yeah, maybe calling in for a sub is a better idea. Right now you have to relax, calm yourself down a bit, and go see your doctor and explain this situation to him/her.

    Good luck.

  3. I seriously don't think you're mentally ready for this year yet. You've not gotten anything ready so it's a disaster waiting to happen. The best thing to do is to call in a sub and then use the week you have off to fully prepare your classes.

    You need to try and calm down and relax. Try some herbal tea and make sure you go to bed earlier. Being stressed and dperession combined together are not very nice things. If you don't stop feeling this way, go and see your doctor and they might give you something to take for it. In the meantime, STOP overdosing on the depression pills. Good luck.

  4. Call in sick today and get a sub, see if you can do this for the first week.  You are too stressed out at the moment to go into work.

    Make an appointment to see a doctor today and see if you can get something for the anxiety attacks, the moods and the depression.  

    Stagger your prep throughout the next week so that you are only doing so much work each day and therefore are thoroughly prepped for work next Monday.

    Quit the binge eating, it isnt going to help with the anxiety and get outside to do some exercise.

    Try Meditation on the Breath for stress relief

    Try Meditation on Loving Kindness for anger and ill will relief

  5. Yes, do call in sick and get a sub to do the first week. You must though use this as a wake up call to go and see a doctor. If you don't you will be in exactly the same position next week or at another time. It is so easy not to want to go to the docto or just ignore the issue but if youdo it won't go away.

    There may ultimately be some things in your life you are discontent with that you may need to change over time - perhaps the job is one of them - has the anxiety come about due to having to go back? If so then I would consider giving it up and do anther job or a couple of part time jobs to tide you over till you get somthing more suitable.

    One thing I note is your lack of sleep. 3.20 to 7am gives you just over 3.5 hours! You can't function on that. You will not be fit to do anything and I wouldn't recommend swimming after that little sleep. You need to identify the source of the anxiety and make changes, and I know that sounds easier said than done. If you genuinely suffer from depression medication can control this. If your problems are more situational then only making changes to things like jobs or living conditions can change that.

  6. UMMM, I think you really need to get a "SUB"? for this week at the least!!! You have a lot going on now and I don't think you're ready to have 30 kids,,,,, dont cry!!,,,,,,, yearning for your attention!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!LOL!!!

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