I am going to be teaching my second year starting on the 25th. I am in no way prepared. It has just hit me that I have to start work tomorrow! I don't know if I'm moving back to another town...I am unsure. Didn't go in over summer to prep my classroom.... I'm pale and gained fat. I have had about 3 anxiety attacks, binged ate just now(donuts, sugar, fat food), took a whole bunch of diet pills(maxed the diet pills took 8 today, and you're only suppose to take 2)... Depressed and feel like dying-feel like there's nothing left... And snapped on TWO people when I went to the store today!! And all that did was intensify this anger I am having right now. On top of all this, I have to wake up at 7:00 AM tomorrow just so I can go to the pool in my complex to tan and swim for 5 hours. I might call a sub in for the first week, I don't know!! I feel like going to the nearest bar and get wasted right now. I'm SO stressed out. My hand is hurting bad from anxiety attack #2 punched wholes through my wall. It's not good...This anxiety and anger, depression and whatnot has been going on for a long time now ...
What should I do? Am I in a mental state to go to school and teach? Or should I call in a sub for the week?