
Really tired- how can i wake up?

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im really tired and i need to wake up, how can i do this w/o having to take caffine?




  1. if you are constantially tired then maybe it has something to do with your diet, after all 'you only get out what you put in!'

    i went through a phase where i was also constantially tired, i would go through my day only half aware of what was going on. this is because i dont have enough iron in my diet.

    your body needs certain vitimans and minerals in order to stay functioning, and one on these is iron. the average male adult needs 8mg of iron each day in order to survive. females need 18 mg iron to survive, children need 10mg iron each day (to see a full age chart of irnon RDI go to

    if you dont get enough iron in your diet then you will feel tired and iratable, and will have trouble concentrating and focusing on day to day tasks.

    but there is good news.

    if you increase the amount of iron in your diet then you will feel more energetic and more awake and alert. all you need to do is eat the right kind of foods!

    for example 100g of lean topside roast provides 3.5mg of absorbed iron. 1 cup of baked beans provides 2.5mg iron. go to to view the full chart of iron in foods.

    to see proof of what iron can do for your body just look at any popeye cartoon! he eats a can of spinach (high in iron) and his muscels grow instantly (might not work in real life though... lol)

    get more iron in your diet and you will feel alot more awake and energetic! garuntreed!

  2. i know what you mean. just get up and walk around. in the morning when i walk around half asleep, it helps me to become more aware. just walk around, wash your face and then walk some more around your house and then wash your face again. also drink cold water :)

  3. take cold shower drink coffee

  4. Do some stretching and the go for a walk. exercise always gets your blood pumping. You could even do some yoga is you did not want to leave your house.

  5. a cold shower in summers and a hot cup of milk in winters.

  6. sleep more?

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