
Really under paid babysitting!?

by  |  earlier

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I've babysat a lot, and usually charge $7-8/hour. All the families think that's fair, and it's the going rate around here.

I have my grade 7 teacher on facebook, and she moved to Michigan, the year after she taught me. So I hadn't seen her or spoken to her for 3 years. But she wrote on my wall this past week, asking me if I can babysit for her kids a couple times, because she's coming out to stay here for a month this summer, and needs a good babysitter for a few nights. I, of course, said okay. Her kids are a 4 (almost 5) year old boy, and a 2 year old girl (just turned 2). So I babysat for them last night, for 6 hours. Regularly I would have made around $50, but she only payed me $25. That's around $4/hour! Which is very low pay! We never discussed the price before hand or anything, she just payed me that at the end of the night. It's not like I just layed around and did nothing either, I fed the kids supper, bathed them, and put them to bed.




  1. What state do you live in? I live in the upper midwest and 4 bucks an hour sounds like average pay for a babysitter. You mentioned she is in Michigan, so maybe there it is the same.

    I dont think she is using you.

  2. well im in canada, so its hard to say with the currency exchange rates etc, but i charge 20$ a day per child, overnight 30.

    but for two kids, i wound say that is low for what you were saying.

    EDIT- i know its hard to talk to her about it, but just say that you normally charge more, and that you like her etc, and her kids are great, but you will need to charge her extra next time. write it on her wall for FB, and even say that you are nervous about talking to her about it. that is what i woulddo. its easier over the net, then in person. :>) good luck

  3. I live in Illinois. And i am a babysitter.  Around here about 4$ an hour for babysitting is a lil more than the usual pay.  I would say it would be reasonable to expect only 3$ an hour for babysitting.  I think she is paying you what she would pay her regular babysitter back home.  Around here babysitters get like half or less of what babysitters around the country get i think....but to me 4$ an hour seemed like awesome until i came to yahoo answers and read questions about babysitting payment.  Its crazy...I would say just take the payment she gives you.....its better than not making ne money right? and hey...your helping some parents out.  Goodluck.....

  4. No i dont think your over-reacting. i think when i get $6/hr its really bad. - i aim for $9/hr.

    You can speak to her about it, or just put up with it.

    $ is better than sitting at home watching tv?

    Good luck,

    Amber x

  5. i think the 25 was very generous , dont be greedy, or next time politly tell her you ussally charge  $$$$ an hr. that way you have a verbal agreement

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