
Really want to get married in croatia but cant find a travel agent who has this service?

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I really want to get married in croatia but cant find a travel agent who has this service in croatia and don't know where to start planning myself, any suggestions of travel agents or advice on planning myself?

Anyone who has been to croatia and would recommend their accommodation or area would be good too.





  1. The first step in the planning would be to find a nice guy to marry in Croatia. Then just ask him to arrange it for you:)

    Now seriously: you might try to ask your country's embassy in Croatia.  

  2. If you want to travel to Croatia, here is where to book it  

  3. I'm mystified.

    Why do you need a travel agent to marry you?

    Aren't priests allowed to conduct weddings there?

    (In fact, why does anybody need a travel agent for anything, anywhere. They rank way below estate agents, traffic wardens and just about every other useless profession on my list.)

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