
Really want to know whats going on (10pts)?

by Guest56487  |  earlier

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My last period was June 21st, my husband and I are trying to conceive (ovulated on july 4th and had intercourse july 2 thru 5)... now I should have gotten my period on the 19th or 20th, but nothing.... I have taken not one not two, but 8 pregnancy test 1 invalid, and 7 negitive.... Im not stressed, but the opposite... I have had some back aches, head aches, fatique, stomach alittle sore, dizziness, and tired alot... so whats wrong with me please help!......PLEASE (i know ur not a pregnancy test)




  1. You sound a lot like me.  We spent over $100.00 in pregnancy tests within the 11 days that I was past due. I had lots of symtoms of being pregnant and we really had our hopes up.  However, I started on my 12 day past due.  I guess people are right, you can want to be pregnant so bad that you confuse your body.  I have two girls, the test were positive right away.  I've come to the conclusion that the pregnancy test are pretty accurate.  If your 10 days late with neg. on your test, then 9 times out of 10 your not pregnant.  If you become 30 days late and still have a neg test, then call your doctor.  Best wishes!

  2. It could  be that its too early for the pregnacy test to read. With my daughter I found out I was pregnant with her at 7 weeks and the line on the pregnancy test was verylight. Just wait about 2 more weeks and try it again. Hope all turns out well.

  3. i don't think you're pregnant. it's just that you Are stressed. i think those symptoms just mean ur gonig to get your period but to make sure you should go to the doctor

  4. Try a different brand of PG test. I took 3 "First Response" pregnancy test that all came back negative. I then scheduled an appointment with my doctor and he did an ultrasound. I was 6 weeks pregnant and the PG test that I took that day before was negative. You never know. I say wait until Monday then call your doctor for a blood test.

  5. Hmm.. Call your doc and get a blood test!!  Then you will know for sure!

  6. my sis in law found that she could only take the pregnant not pregnant test all the others would give her false results. she took 4 reg test and it said negative then she took a preg. not preg. test it showed pregnant, she went to doc and she was definitely pregn.  try one of those test or u can go get a blood test done its very possibilities ur preg. good luck and baby dust

  7. It takes 10 to 12 days for the sperm to do it's thing!! You could take a pregnancy test! You are about due!! July 5 plus 12 days equal the 17th!! So i would say take a test!! I really hope you are!! Good Luck!!!

  8. GIve it a couple more days  to a week and take another test. Your hGc hormone may not be high enough to show up on a pregnancy test yet, i went to a doctor 2 days ate and they did a blood test and i fond out i was prego because home tests wernt working yet. U can go to an urgent care and they will do it for about 20$ best of luck=)

  9. Honestly, it may just be your mind playing tricks on you. It's happened to me before when I thought I might be pregnant. All the sudden my body displays the symptoms for no good reason and then I get a period.

    The best thing to do is sit back and not think about it. It's also the hardest thing to do. But if you're pregnant, you will know soon. If you're not, you will know soon. Relaxing will be good for you either way. Sometimes being concerned with it will delay your period b/c of the stress.

  10. i was due the same day as u and nothing also! i done a test on the 19th and it was negitive!

    u shouldnt test everyday you have got to let the hormone build up enough for the test to pick up on soo if ur still not on test every 48hours with first morning urine!

    also because we both want to be pregnant so bad and we have baby on the brain it may be delaying the dreaded menstration!

    but i hope u get that possitive u want... and plus coz it most be expensive keep buying all the tests lol!

    good luck!

    ***baby dust***

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