
Really weird! But i dont know what to do?

by  |  earlier

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ok so i was babysitting and the two kids are 5(girl) and 7(boy) the two kids while i was washing the dishes were doing "weiner bumps" (they pull there pants down and bumps there privates together) I told them to stop and called the mom I told the parents what happened and they said they would talk to the kids. I asked the kids why they did it and they both said something else. I mean i was texting and they thought i was videoing them and i wasnt. but anyway i dont want the parents to blame me when it really wasnt my fault!

Parents would you still hire me again after this situation




  1. I don't think it's anything to worry about and it is definitely not your fault. Obviously they learned that sort of "private action" thing from somewhere else and it was a good idea to notify the parents about it. If they do it again just tell them why it is inappropriate and if they laugh about it and do it some more, just ignore them. It's likely that they're only doing it for attention or to see a reaction.

    Do you know the parents well? It's possible that the parents might be to blame if they thought you were videoing them. It seems really strange and very disturbing that a child would learn something like that from their parents (videotaping them smashing their private parts together?), but it's worth looking into.

  2. Sure I would hire you again.  You did not do anything wrong at all, and were honest about a situation you felt weird about.  Those are good things!

  3. you told the parents,  they will sort it dont worry about it.

  4. I would tell the parents ASAP that you were texting and one of the children asked if you were video-taping them.  Make sure they know that you were not.

    My guess as to why the kids were doing that?  I bet they saw the parents.  

    If you came to me and told me exactly what happened - I wouldn't have an issue with hiring you again.  BUT - for your sake - I'd make sure the parents had a chat with the kids about their "bumping" before hand.

    Good luck!

  5. Wow!  I'm at a loss for words.

    I think, as a parent, I would have been proud of how you handled the situation as I would want someone to call me ASAP if my kids were doing things like that.

    It makes me wonder if they have been subjected to material with sexual content, or if perhaps they were being sexually abused.  The fact that they thought you were filming them almost makes it sound like this has happened before.  Perhaps someone close to them has been using them for the purpose of manufacturing child p**n.  (I pray not, but these things happen)

    Keep an eye on their behavior if you can, and if it happens again, or you have reason to believe that there may be malpractice in the home call the authorities.

  6. I find it disturbing that the kids did this behaviour when they thought you were videoing them, that is kind of odd - like they have been videoed before doing sexually explicit things - that would be troubling to me.

  7. You need to speak to the kids about inappropriate behavior when someone is around.  Do not worry about what they might tell their parents about videotaping them.  Just one question... are you sure you want to keep watching these kids

  8. I babysit all the time, I am a trusted babysitter around the neighborhood. And the way I got there was by paying attention to the kids! You should NOT be texting instead of entertaining the kids. Texting and talking on the phone while the kids are still awake is a definite no-no. Its one thing to talk on YOUR CELL after the kids have gone to sleep, its quite another to be texting friends while the kids go crazy in the background. I would not hire you if I knew you were texting and not watching the kids. Good Luck though, I hope this has taught you something. Now the parents have to know that you were texting, because when they talk to the kids the kids are going to say that you were videoing them, and the parents are going to be like why were you taping my children, and then you'll have to tell them you weren't, you were simply not doing your job and texting your friends.

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