i had a dream that the guy i like was my bf (lets call him 'm'), i was really popular, and another guy who was popular, whos name was mark, had a massive crush on me. Mark was so jealous of m, that he beat him up. i decided that i should stay around m to make sure he wasn't beat up (usually it happens when im not around). then we were in this room with a door that leads outside, and i wanted to go out side. m went out before me and saw mark and 3 other guys coming. then m came back in and told me to leave, i asked him why and then mark came in. mark grabbed my arms and held me back (but i was kicking and screaming) and the 3 other guys were pumbling M. then all of a sudden, i kicked mark so hard that he fell to the ground, then i kicked all the other guys and went to M and told him we have to break up because he was getting hurt so bad, then he kissed me. mark got up and takled M and a bunch of books fell on his head. Then mark grabbed me, and then i was unconscious... and i woke up in my dorm room... after a while, M decided it was time he got revenge, so he went and beat up mark, but he failed cuz he got arrested. So then mark decides to come and ask me to go to a concert and i said no, then he told me it was a jonas brothers concert and i said no, then he said he had a backstage pass for me to meet them, and then i gave in and said yes. when we arrived i was so miserable with mark, i got backstage and told nick jonas everything mark did to me ( mark and nick jonas were 2nd cousins) and nick made me feel better. i had to tell him i wasn't ready to date again, and he told me he'd have to work his way up. then i woke up. WHAT COULD THIS POSSIBLY MEAN??
all answers are appreciated, and i know its long but THANKS FOR READING IT!!