I had this dream the other night, me& 3 of my friends wer going bowling&4 some reason we went in 2cars,me&Joe in his car,Ed&Lisa in Ed's car.So we were just driving along,Ed&Lisa were ahead of Joe& me.All of a sudden in sort of slow motion Eds car sort of "tripped" on a crack in the road&it began opening up into some weird chasm.The car fell in but somehow Ed&Lisa had got out the car before it fell,but they couldnt get away from the opening cuz it was gettin bigger.Then Ed was basically holding onto the edges with his feet&hands&hanging over the hole,&Lisa was being held up by sort of lying over him,which was the only reason she wasnt falling in.Anyway this freezing mist was coming out the hole&making Ed so cold he couldnt hold onto Lisa anymore&dropped her& as she fell i cud literally c her body freezing,Then Ed sort of moaned (Ed & Lisa r together)&just let go&fell in too.My mum told me the nxt day (in real life)she heard me crying and i was actually crying in my sleep!
any ideas?!