
Really what are the odds?

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What are the chances I'm pregnant? I had a tubal ligation 6 years ago. My menstrual cycle is usually very regular I have not have period sense June 22. My breast have been tender for about 3 weeks and I have been feeling a little nausea for about 2 weeks and have actually thrown up quite a few time. Thanks for your answers.




  1. I think you can still get pregnant.  Why don't you buy a pregnancy test from the drug store and figure it out for yourself?  

  2. sounds like it. go buy a test to check it out. also check out the doctor's they'll tell you for sure.

    good luck!

  3. Do a pregnancy test.  I know a few people who got pregnant after a tubal ligation.  It is quite possible you could be pregnant.  Do the test and then at least you will know, and if you are not pregnant you can investigate other things.

  4. hey there is a chance sometimes that just happens if you are congrats just go buy a test and make sure though becuase it could be tubal you run a higher risk after a tubiligation

  5. yea im sure your pregnant  those things  are not 100%  permanent   i really think you should ask a pregnancy test instead of us though  good luck !! and if you are congradulations !  

  6. Well, you wouldn't be the first one to become pregnant after a tubal.

    I have seen it is one in a hundred become pregnant after a tubal and I have seen a statistic that says 6%.

    But at any rate the answer is yes it can happen.

    Cheapest and easy way is to get a home pregnancy test.  Better to know than to wonder.

  7. I think it's very clear that your chances of being pregnant are HUGE, you need to take a test!

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