
Really worried... please help... any advice would be great?

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My sisters daughter came back from the inlaws where she spent the weekend. This is so hard to say... she refuses to take her clothes off when my sister wants to bath her. She is only 6. She screams and holds down her dress when my sister tries to take off her clothes. I am worried sick that something may have happened to her. Does anyone know how this situation can be dealt with...




  1. I would call CPS because they have a specific person highly trained to ask your daughter questions appropriatly, if anything did happen to her a doctor is not completely trained in that area and they might refer you anyway to CPS which would make your sisters daughter have to tell her story ALL over again which re traumatizes her . It may be something simple and and hopefully she just colored herself with marker or something, but if it is serious she should be seen , just for your sisters sanity.  I worked for CPS for 10 years and they are great at working with these situations.

  2. Take her to the doc. this happend to me when i was six. i would cry when trying to go pee and my mom said lets go the doc and i cried no and she never did. take the girl in! do whats right and protect her. and if you guys really thinked this happend never ever ever let her go back no matter how mad those people get. its her safety that matters. try to ask her why and make sure and tell her that no one will do anything to her or her family, if it happend and she wont tell its cause they threatened her or her intermediate family. best wishes to you and your niece!

  3. Could it be nothing..absolutely and we are all praying that this is the case.....BUT until you know for sure, have your sister contact a child therapist and Dr. immediately.  

    Even if the Dr. doesn't find anything physically wrong, it could have been a touch, or something that the therapist can find out.

  4. do not make her take her close off let her bath in a swim suit and get her to the Dr.

  5. Immediatley get her in to a child phycholigist she will eventually open enough to tell them what happened. Lisa miller is good.

  6. Yes.  Someone needs to talk to her.  At 6, it is highly unusual for her to have that kind of behavior.  Your sister and her child's father (if they're still together) need to sit down with their daughter.  Try to have them not make her frightened, have it be casual.

    Have them ask her if anyone has ever touched her private places.  They can describe to her what these are if she is confused.  Have them say that it's okay to tell them, even if someone said she can't tell anybody.  Make sure that she knows that it is NOT OKAY for ANYONE to touch her in those places unless it's Mommy or Daddy to help bathe her.  Tell her that if ANYONE touches her in those private places that she needs to tell Mommy or Daddy right away.

    Don't pressure her, and don't make a big deal out of it.  Even if nothing did happen, if they push it on her enough she will just say something did.

    If this goes on much longer, they should probably take her to the doctor's house and have the doctor examine her and possibly refer her to a therapist.

    Also, probably a good idea to not allow her to be alone and those people's house again until you know what's going on.

    Good luck.

  7. yeah, you need to ask her....that is scary to think of! Take her to the Dr if you have to!

  8. I would take her to the doc or call them asap and tell them what is going on.... That is not normal......

    Did your sister ask her what happened?  Tell your sister to pretend and tell her daughter she is going back to the inlaws for the weekend and see how she acts.....

  9. take her to see someone professionally, she may be afraid to tell u because she doesnt want her predator to find out that she told.....somehow u need to get it out of her...make her feel safe and tell her u wont say anything to anyone...she will tell u if she trusts u...good luck and sorry to hear that...hopefully nothing happened and we're over analyzing

  10. she needs to take her into the dr to be checked out and then get the girl some help. also have her get a lawyer if it shows that she has had any kind of assult brought on her. You also need to tell your sister NOT to let her daughter go there again until things can get ressolved.

  11. I agree with everyone on taking her to the doc. to get checked out....also sit her down & talk with her. Ask her if anything happend at the inlaws that shedidnt like,if someone did something she didnt like,look into her eys when she tells u cause she may say no cause she is scared hold her in your arms and tell her it is ok no matter what you will always love her and u will beleive what she says..this is important to say to a child this age. tell he about the places NO ONE should ever touch and you will have to ask again if anyone did that to her or if anyone had her touch them. This is going to be very hard to deal with but u are the parent, her protector. Ask her if she wants to go see the in laws again if she says no that may be a sign that something happend...after all this call the in laws and talk to them about how she is acting if something happend  if she ever went to another persons house while there if whom she played with all these things are important.  I hope u find out what it is thats wrong ...I hope it is nothing but a little girl being difficult. hope i helped

  12. at age 6 she should be old enough to let you know what, if anything, happened..  ask her!

  13. She may just be going through a phase, but there is the possibility that something did happen. Most children will not tell their parents, either because of pressure from the attacker or from shame/self blame, etc. Don't pressure her to tell you what happened because you will scare her and probably confuse her. Your sister should DEFINITELY take her to a psychologist for a visit or two to see what they think. Good luck and I'll keep her in my prayers.

  14. I would take her to a doctor immediately to be examined if there is a real worry that something has happened. That way, the answer should be definite and it will be easier to know what to do.

    Hopefully, it's nothing...

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